When determining a name in the NCK tables (arrays) for: machine axes, Euler angles, direction vectors, normal vectors,
interpolation parameters and intermediate point coordinates, one of the following syntax rules for the identifier to be entered
has been violated:
- The identifier must be an NC address letter (A, B, C, I, J, K, Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z), possibly with a numerical extension
(840D: 1-99)
- The identifier must begin with any 2 capital letters but not with $ (reserved for system variables).
- The identifier must not be a keyword of the NC language (e.g. POSA).
When determining a name for machine axes, one of the following syntax rules for the identifier to be entered has been
1. The identifier must be an NC address letter (A, B, C, I, J, K, Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z), possibly with a numerical extension.
2. The identifier must begin with any 2 capital letters but not with $ (reserved for system variables).
3. The identifier must not be a keyword of the NC language (e.g. SPOS).
NC not ready.
Mode group not ready, also effective for single axes.
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
NC Stop on alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. Enter the identifier for user-defined names with correct syntax
in the displayed MD.
- Machine axes: MD10000 $MN_AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB
- Euler angles: MD10620 $MN_EULER_ANGLE_NAME_TAB
- Normal vectors: MD10630 $MN_NORMAL_VECTOR_NAME_TAB
- Direction vectors: MD10640 $MN_DIR_VECTOR_NAME_TAB
- Interpolation parameters: MD10650 $MN_IPO_PARAM_NAME_TAB
- Intermediate point coordinates: MD10660 $MN_INTERMEDIATE_POINT_NAME_TAB
Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
Enter the identifier for user-defined names with correct syntax in the displayed MD.
Machine axes: MD10000 $MN_AXCONF_MACHAX_NAME_TAB
Switch control OFF - ON.
[Channel %1: ] Invalid identifier used in machine data %2[%3]
%1 = Channel number
%2 = String: MD identifier
%3 = Index: MD array index
When defining names in the channel-specific tables for geometry axes and channel axes, one of the following syntax rules
for the identifier to be entered has been violated:
- The identifier must be an NC address letter (A, B, C, I, J, K, U, V, W, X, Y, Z), possibly with a numerical extension.
- The identifier must begin with any 2 capital letters but not with $ (reserved for system variables).
- The identifier must not be a keyword of the NC language (e.g. SPOS).
NC not ready.
Mode group not ready, also effective for single axes.
NC Start disable in this channel.
Interface signals are set.
Alarm display.
NC Stop on alarm.
Please inform the authorized personnel/service department.
Enter the identifier for user-defined names with correct syntax in the displayed MD
- Geometry axes: MD20060 $MC_AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB
- Channel axes: MD20080 $MC_AXCONF_CHANAX_NAME_TAB
Switch control OFF - ON.
5.2 NCK alarms
Diagnostics Manual
Diagnostics Manual, 06/2015, 6FC5398-6DP10-0BA2