NC Commissioning with HMI Advanced
11.5 Axes and spindles
Commissioning Manual, 05/2008, 6FC5397–4CP10–4BA0
Follow-up referencing
Follow-up referencing of a machine axis is performed automatically while the NC starts up
without axis movement. The following conditions must be fulfilled:
The measuring system of the machine axis active after the booting of the NC works with
the absolute encoder
The absolute encoder is calibrated:
MD34210 $MA_ENC_REFP_STATE[n] = 2 (absolute value encoder is calibrated)
To calibrate the absolute encoder, the actual value of the encoder is matched with the
machine zero once and then enabled.
The SINUMERIK 840Di sl supports the following types of calibration:
Operator-assisted calibration
Automatic calibration using probe
Calibration using BERO
The calibration using the probe and BERO is described in:
/FB/ Function Manual - Basic Functions, R1 Reference point approach, Chapter "Automatic
calibration using probe, Calibration with BERO"
Operator-assisted calibration
During operator-assisted calibration, the machine axis of the absolute encoder is moved to
the known machine position (reference position). The position value of the reference position
is taken over by the NC as the reference point value.
Recommended procedure:
Parameterization of referencing mode
MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE[n] = 0
Approaching referencing position
Traversing the machine axis to the referencing position in JOG mode. Approach direction
according to machine data:
MD34010 $MA_REFP_CAM_DIR_IS_MINUS (reference point approach in minus
direction) (0 = positive, 1 = negative approach direction)
To avoid the actual position of the machine axis being falsified by backlash in the
drive train, reference point approach must be performed at low velocity and always
from the same direction.
Assumption of the reference position in the NC
The reference position is entered in the following machine data:
MD34100 $MA_REFP_SET_POS[n] (reference point value)