NC Commissioning with HMI Advanced
11.5 Axes and spindles
Commissioning Manual, 05/2008, 6FC5397–4CP10–4BA0
/FB/ Function Manual, Basic Functions, R1 Reference Point Approach
Spindle basic data
The spindle mode of a machine axis is a subset of the general axis functionality. For this
reason, the machine data required to commission an axis also has to be set for a spindle.
The machine data to parameterize a spindle are therefore to be found under the axis-specific
machine data (from MD 35000 onwards).
After the default machine data have been loaded, no spindle is defined.
Spindle definition
By setting the following machine data, a machine axis is declared as an endlessly rotating
rotary axis whose modulo 360 degree programming and display take place:
MD30300 $MA_IS_ROT_AX (rotary axis/spindle)
MD30310 $MA_ROT_IS_MODULO (modulo conversion for rotary axis/spindle)
MD30320 $MA_DISPLAY_IS_MODULO (modulo 360 degrees display for rotary
The machine axis is converted to a spindle by defining the spindle number x (with x = 1,
2, ...max. number of channel axes) in machine data:
MD35000 $MA_SPIND_ASSIGN_TO_MACHAX (spindle number)
The spindle number must be unambiguous within the channel axes of the channel to which
the spindle is assigned, i.e. several spindles can be defined with spindle number 1 provided
they are assigned different channels (for assigning machine axes to channels, please refer
to Subsection "Axis configuration" (Page 385)).