6.3 Ramp-up
Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK 840Di Manual (HBI) – 06.03 Edition
Note: User data loaded into MCI card.
1. If the MCI board is detected defective during the ramp-up of the SINUM-
ERIK 840Di, the last SRAM image is kept when shutting down Windows NT.
After the MCI board has been changed, proceed as described above.
2. If the MCI board is changed due to a supposed or an actual error (in the
case of suspected errors, sporadic errors, etc.), it is recommended to restart
up the SINUMERIK 840Di-NC and PLC; otherwise, data errors could be
taken over from the SRAM image.
A defect of the MCI board has occurred during operation of the SINUMERIK
840Di. Windows NT has possibly been shut down correctly, but no SRAM
image could be created.
After the MCI board has been changed, it will be identified as “unknown” using
the serial number. Since no up-to-date SRAM image exists, the SRAM backup
is written back into the SRAM of the MCI board. The SINUMERIK 840Di is thus
ready again immediately.
The user data or the operating state of the SINUMERIK 840Di must be checked
to see whether they are suitable to be worked with in the future. It might be nec-
essary to perform commissioning of the SINUMERIK 840Di NC and PLC again.
A note will appear in a message box, which must be acknowledged with “OK”.
Alarm: Old backup of user data loaded into MCI card.
The user data were saved at 07.07.2000 10:30
Case 2:
An up-to-date SRAM
image does not exist
6 Turning On and Ramp Up