10.5 Axes and spindles
Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK 840Di Manual (HBI) – 06.03 Edition
If the above mentioned setting data are unequal to 0, the JOG velocity results
as follows:
1. SD: JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (revolutional feedrate in JOG mode) = 0
=> linear feed (G94)
Linear axes:
JOG speed = SD41110: JOG_SET_VELO (JOG velocity for G94)
Rotary axes:
JOG speed = SD41130: JOG_ROT_AX_SET_VELO (JOG velocity for
rotary axes)
2. SD: JOG_REV_IS_ACTIVE (revolutional feedrate in JOG mode) = 1
JOG speed SD41120: JOG_REV_SET_VELO (JOG speed with G95)
The entered value may not exceed the max. permissible axis velocity.
Depending on MD30300: IS_ROT_AX[n], the velocities have to be entered
in mm/min, inch/min, or rpm.
If the velocities change, MD 36200: AX_VELO_LIMIT[n] (threshold value for
velocity monitoring) must be adapted accordingly.
10 NC Start-Up with HMI Advanced