6.3 Ramp-up
Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK 840Di Manual (HBI) – 06.03 Edition
In addition, an NC alarm is output, which is displayed on the appropriate user
interface of the SINUMERIK 840Di (840Di start-up, HMI Advanced, etc.):
Alarm: “4065 Battery-backed memory has been restored from the hard
disk (possible data loss)”
For safety reasons, the alarm must be acknowledged explicitly by the operator
before performing the necessary NCK power ON reset.
See Subsection 10.10.1, page 10-395.
Ramp-up after replacement of the PCU (new) or reinstallation/
update of the 840Di software
If an MCI board used in a new PCU once is further used or if the 840Di software
is reinstalled on a SINUMERIK 840Di that is already started up, then the bat-
tery-backed user data in the SRAM of the MCI board are kept.
To achieve this, it is essential that the current NC and PLC software version of
the SINUMERIK 840Di complies with the software version with which the bat-
tery-backed user data of the SRAM have been created.
The SINUMERIK 840Di is thus ready again immediately.
A note will appear in a message box, which must be acknowledged with “OK”:
Note: User data from MCI card used.
If you do not wish to use the battery-backed user data further, you must repeat
ramp-up of the SINUMERIK 840Di.
6 Turning On and Ramp Up