15.1 General requirements
Siemens AG, 2003. All rights reserved
SINUMERIK 840Di Manual (HBI) – 06.03 Edition
Setting/determining the network parameters of an external
In order to be able to establish a network connection to an external computer,
the following requirements must be fulfilled with respect to the external com-
1. The Ethernet cable is connected to the Ethernet interface of the external
computer and the PCU.
Point-to-point connections require a “twisted” Ethernet cable (Converted
Twisted Pair).
Point-to-point connections require a “twisted” Ethernet cable (Converted
Twisted Pair).
2. The network protocol NetBEUI must be installed on the external computer.
3. The computer name of the external computer must be known.
4. Access to the drive/folder of the external computer you want to access must
be shared by the PCU, and the sharing name must be known.
To install the network protocol NetBEUI, open Control Panel using the Windows
95/NT taskbar Start > Settings > Control Panel on the external computer.
Open Network in the Control Panel.
Dialog: Network
Register: Protocols
Button: “Add...”
Dialog: Select Network Protocol
Network Protocol <NetBEUI protocol>
To determine the computer name, open the Windows 95/NT taskbar Start >
Settings > Control Panel on the external computer.
In the “Control Panel”, open Network.
Dialog: Network
Register: Identification
Computer Name: <COMPUTER NAME>
Various SINUMERIK OPs allow to enter uppercase letters. Therefore, to enter
the user name and the password of the external computer (PG/PC), either use
only uppercase letters or connect a standard PC keyboard to the PCU.
Installing the net-
work protocol
Determining the
computer name
15 SW Installation/Update and Data Backup