9 Examples
9.1.3 Description of the PLC program
Load location
The contents of DW 2 to DW 5 indicate an empty location which can be loaded. This location
must be positioned on the loading point by the machine program.
Unload location
The contents of DW 2 to DW 5 indicate a location with a tool to be unloaded. This location
must be positioned on the loading point by the machine program.
No empty location found
During loading with operator guidance, no empty location with a suitable size was found in the
search for an empty location.
Job active
During "Loading with operator guidance", the signal has a "1" state for as long as the data
distributor is entering tool data from tape, computer or code carrier into the loading line. (If a
tool has several cutting edges, all cutting edges are entered in the loading line.) During this
time, the loading process can neither be acknowledged nor aborted. The signal is reset from
"Interface valid" to "0" at the positive-going edge.
DW 3
DW 4
DW 5
Magazine number
DW number
Locator number
Magazine number
The location specification refers to this magazine number when loading and/or unloading. If an
empty location is found during loading (and/or a tool is found when unloading) in a magazine
which is not equal to the one specified, this location must be positioned by the machine
program on the loading/unloading point of the magazine found.
Data word number
The data word number provides the data word address in the magazine table which
correponds to the location specified in DW 5.
Locator number
The locator number of the empty location when loading and/or the locator number of the tool
to be unloaded are specified here.
For adding a new function, proceed as follows:
Extend menu tree (softkey parameter, submenu if available);
Generate new display (if necessary);
Update link list and link again;
Generate function block for the new function;
Call function block conditionally in central call block (FB 160).
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