Functional safety for SIPART PS2 FF
A5E00489774-02, 10/2013
15 ONLK - pneumatic leakage
Communication object: [ONLINE_LEAKAGE_VALUE]
The current leakage indicator is displayed here. If the leakage detection is deactivated in the configuration menu, "OFF" is
16 STIC - static friction/slipstick effect
Communication object: [SLIP_STICK_VALUE]
The filtered value of the step height based on static friction is displayed here in percent. If the function is deactivated in the
configuration menu, "OFF" is displayed.
17 ZERO - zero offset
Communication object: [ZERO_VALUE]
Display of the current displacement of the lower hard end stop with respect to its initialization value. A requirement for the
determination is activation of the "Tight closing function CLOSED" ("YCLS" parameter in the configuration menu). If the
underlying function is deactivated in the configuration menu, "OFF" is displayed.
18 OPEN - displacement of upper end stop
Communication object: [OPEN_VALUE]
Display of the current displacement of the upper hard end stop with respect to its initialization value. A requirement for the
determination is activation of the "Tight closing function OPEN" ("YCLS" parameter in the configuration menu). If the
underlying function is deactivated in the configuration menu, "OFF" is displayed.
19 PAVG - position average
Communication object: [POS_AVG_VALUE]
The last calculated comparison average is displayed here. The following status messages are also available:
The underlying function is deactivated in the configuration menu.
IdLE (inactive)
The function has not been started yet.
rEF (the reference average is calculated)
The function was started, and the reference interval is in progress at the moment.
COMP (the comparison average is calculated)
The function was started, and the comparison interval is in progress at the moment.
20 P0 - potentiometer value of lower end stop
Communication object: [ZERO_POINT_P0]
21 P100 - potentiometer value of upper end stop
Communication object: [END_VALUE_P100]
Both these values indicate the measured values of the position displacement sensor (potentiometer) on the lower or upper
hard end stop, as they were determined during automatic initialization. The values of manually approached end positions are
applicable for manual initialization.
22 IMPUP - pulse length UP
Communication object: [PULS_LENGTH_UP]
This parameter can be set for special applications.