Busbar Protection
7SS52 V4 Manual
Figure 5-7 TRIP following 2-out-of-2 evaluation
Figure 5-8 TRIP due to filtered value
Isolator Replica
The allocation of the feeders to the bus zones is automatically determined by the po-
sition of the isolators.
Only the OPEN position is evaluated for the allocation of the feeders to the busbars.
Therefore, no special demands such as adjustment are made on the isolator auxiliary
contacts. The CLOSED position is only used for the isolator status supervision
(isolator malfunction, isolator intermediate position).
For the determination of the isolator runtime the status changes of the two indications
"Isolator OPEN" and "Isolator CLOSED" are used. Therefore, a true replica of the
isolator runtime can be obtained if you use limit switches as they are typical e.g. for
control systems.
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