Oscillographic Fault Recording
7SS52 V4 Manual
) is used to specify the conditions under
which oscillographic fault records will be stored.
global storage, initiation by CU
, fault records will be stored
in the central unit and in all bay units if one storage criterion is fulfilled in the central
unit. On pickup of the backup protection, the fault records are stored locally. This is
the most common setting.
global storage, local initiation
, fault records will be stored
in the central unit and in all bay units if one storage criterion is fulfilled in the central
unit or in any of the bay units. The storage criterion is set with the parameter
in the bay unit (Chapter 5.13.2, page 182).
With setting
local storage, local initiation
, fault records will be stored in
the central unit and in the bay unit in which one storage criterion is fulfilled. The stor-
age criterion is set with the parameter
) in the bay unit (Chap-
) is used to set the maximum time available
for one fault record.
) is used to set the pre-trigger time for
fault recording. The pre-trigger time starts at the specified time before the storage cri-
terion for fault record storage is fulfilled.
The parameter
) is used to set the post-fault time for fault
recording. The post-fault time begins as soon as the storage criterion for fault record
storage has disappeared.
) is used to set the capture time of the
oscillographic fault record when the fault recording is initiated from DIGSI, from the
central unit front panel or through a binary input. To set the capture time to infinite, en-
ter ”.”. Even so the capture time cannot exceed the time set with the parameter
), which specifies the maximum available length of a fault recording.
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