SIVACON 8PS - Configuring with LX system
Configuration Manual, 10/2011, A5E02194899-02
Basic knowledge for configuring
A configuring type consists of the system size LX...... - and a trunking unit type. The system
size is defined by the LX type code. The trunking unit type depends on the busbar run or the
tap-off points.
To simplify the configuring, the trunking unit representation is reduced to the essential
features using symbols.
Straight trunking units
Type determination
The following features are crucial to determining the type:
Installation position of the busbars in the unit
Phase sequence
Position of the L3, PEN, N or PE conductor
Position of the joint block
Further busbar run layout
Actuation side of the joint block
Fastening nut for joint block Always on the L1 side
Designate the end of the busbar with joint block with •.
The position of the L3, PEN, N or PE conductor is indicated on the unit with a bold full
line. If you look at the end without joint block, it is always on the right.
Indicate the open busbar end (without joint block) with a short line and position the
busbar edgewise. The view is always of the end of the trunking unit without joint block.