Building Technologies
Boiler Sequence Controller RMK770
HVAC Products
14 Communication
The boiler sequence manager is always in the controller with the main flow sensor.
Usually, boiler 1 is also controlled by the controller with the main flow sensor.
Normally, boiler 1 is assigned boiler address 1, boiler 2 boiler address 2, etc.
In normal situations, no changes are required here.
When, in the above example, boilers 1 and 2 are assigned to the first RMK770, boilers
3 and 4 of the second RMK770 should also be called boilers 3 and 4. Hence, they are
automatically given boiler addresses 3 and 4 and appear as boilers 3 and 4 on the info
level of the controller with the boiler sequence manager.
If, on the second RMK770, one would have used boilers 1 and 2 and assigned to them
boiler address 3 and 4 in
Setting > Communication > Generation zone
the RMK770 with the
boiler sequence manager would have displayed the boilers as boilers 3 and 4, but they
would have been displayed as boilers 1 and 2 on the second RMK770 controller.
14.5 Heat distribution zones