CIM Door Upgrade
Page 38
Appendix 2: Fallback Procedure
This appendix covers the basic procedure to fall back to the original Maxum door if the
new CIM door is not functioning correctly. If possible the user should first try to
troubleshoot the new door before resorting to reinstalling the original door. It is advisable
that Siemens support be contacted prior to fallback.
Warning: Full safety precautions must be followed throughout this
procedure to prevent possible injury, equipment damage, or death.
Verify that the area is clear of flammable gases and vapors and that
appropriate authorization is obtained to do the work.
Fallback involves removing the new CIM door and reinstalling the original
door. This does not cover downgrading the software release of the analyzer
or the workstation software.
The beginning state of the analyzer will depend on the specific problem
seen and whether the replacement procedure was completed. For this
reason, some steps below may not be applicable. If assistance is needed, it
is advisable that Siemens support be contacted prior to fallback.
Using appropriate safety precautions, power down the analyzer.
Open the door and disconnect all cables from the CIM door. This includes
the following:
1. The power cable running to the CIM should be removed.
2. Intrinsic Safety and chassis ground wires running to the door should
be disconnected at both ends.
3. Both of the Ethernet cables connecting to the CIM door should be
disconnected at both ends.
4. Y shaped purge cable should be disconnected completely.
5. Cable running from SYSCON debug connector should be
Remove the CIM door and reinstall original door.
Reinstall the following original cables:
1. HMI to SYSCON cage cable.
2. All previously installed ground wires associated with the door or
3. The original purge cable from the PECM to the SYSCON
DO NOT reconnect the original Ethernet cable to the SYSCON at this
time. This will be done after IP addresses are corrected.