Page 40
Issue 5
Use WIZ command and navigate the menus using keys as follows:-
select the menu option
> back up one level
more menu options (where more than 4 available)
move back to previous menu options (where more than 4 available)
Enter the IP address of the Outstation using:
2> Config/Status – 1> Basic Config - 2* Eth IP Address
Enter the Ethernet IP Netmask using:
3> Ethernet IP Netmask
Move to the next set of options using the + key:
Enter the Ethernet IP Gateway (if required) using:
1- Ethernet IP Gateway
Enter the Site name using:
2> Site Name
usually the SCN e.g. X11990
The site name should match the SCN used to reference the site at the
Move back to the first set of options using the - key:
Enable Ethernet using:
1* Eth IP Mode
and select “1” for Manual.
5. Use the ping command to check that the instation IP address is accessible from
the OTU.
6. The OTU should now be accessible on the network
7. The remaining configuration can be performed via the web interface (either
locally or remotely).