Page 89
Issue 5
7.3.11 Enabling MOVA Control
7.3.11 Again using the commissioning screen, put the MOVA unit on
a) Set the ‘MOVA enable’ flag to ‘1’ *
c) On the outstation web interface, ‘System’ screen, stop the
MOVA application and then start it again.
d) Restart MOVAComm and return to the commissioning screen
7.3.11 Check that as the controller changes from stage to stage that the
a) The ‘On Control’ flag changes from ‘0’ to ‘1’.
b) The ‘TO’ bit changes from ‘0’ to ‘1’.
c) The MOVA unit demands the current (or next) stage.
d) The ‘Error Count’ remains at zero.
e) The UTC ‘MR’ and ‘ML’ reply bits are active.
7.3.11 Examine the operation of the controller under MOVA control to
ensure that reasonable operation is achieved, e.g. no demands are
been ignored and no excessive queues build-up, and that no faults
have been generated and the error count remains at zero.
This section describes in the more detail the ‘
MOVA Enabled’
‘On Control’
and their interaction with the
‘Error Count’
count and the
Both flags must be set to ‘1’ before MOVA will attempt to control the junction. If either
flag is set to ‘0’, then MOVA will not attempt to control the junction at that time, but may
still be monitoring the traffic flows over its detectors.
The ‘
MOVA Enabled’
flag is normally only changed by the user, not by the MOVA unit
itself. It is this flag which must be set to ‘1’ by the user to allow the MOVA unit to take
control of the junction and should be set to ‘0’ to disable the MOVA unit for a long
period of time.
Note that the OMCU will log the fault ‘MOVA Disabled’ in the fault table when MOVA is
disabled, i.e. when the ‘
MOVA Enabled’
flag is set to 0.
The ‘
On Control’
flag is normally only changed by the MOVA unit itself, although the
user can change its state manually. If the ‘
MOVA Enabled’
flag is set, then following
the warm-up cycle, the MOVA unit will set the
‘On Control’
flag and start to control the
During the warm-up cycle, the MOVA unit will increment the warm-up count on the
commissioning screen every time a new stage starts. When this count reaches the
number of stages plus one (e.g. 6 on a 5-stage junction) then the warm-up cycle is said