The KILO2000 provides 2 simple modes of operation. Line of sight is the range to the target independent
of angle. It is comparable to the “hypotenuse” of a triangle. When ranging in LOS mode, the distance is
displayed in addition to the angle of incline. This method is preferred for those long range shooters and
hunters wanting to use the LOS range and angle of incline to calculate a very precise holdover using a
ballistic calculator smartphone application and/or wind measurement device.
Angle modified range is the equivalent horizontal range to the target and is comparable to the “horizontal
leg” of a triangle. AMR is also known as “rifleman’s rule” and uses the LOS range and angle of incline to
calculate the horizontal distance the projectile travels between shooter and target. AMR is very accurate
for most shooters and archers and should be used in most situations.
In this example, if the rangefinder is in LOS mode the line of sight range of 500 yards would be displayed
and toggle back and forth displaying “500.0 y” (yards) and “-30.0” (degrees decline). Use LOS in
combination with a ballistic calculator to calculate an exact holdover in minutes of angle or milliradians.
If the rangefinder is in AMR mode the angle modified range of 433.0 yards would be displayed. This is the
equivalent horizontal range and can be used in combination with a ballistic / holdover reticle or with the
SIG Ballistic Turret SBT™ dial.