Wheel Pants
Cement L-1 discs to the inside of pants and wheel shells.
Allow to dry completely. Pierce or drill the center holes. It's
handy to leave holes undersize, enlarging them when parts
are complete. This allows holes to be shifted slightly for
perfect alignment.
Trim shells from the plastic sheet, finishing them flat on a sandpaper block as
shown. Cut the wheel well openings in the pants roughly to shape and finish to
exact shape with sandpaper sticks. Make a flat sanding stick by cementing
sandpaper to a popsicle stick and a round one from a round pencil or small
Insert four small pins through the outer shells as illustrated.
These provide a firm stop for the inner shells to rest against.
Apply a thin, even coat of Sigment to the inside of the lip of
the outer shell and slide the mating inner shell in place.
Handles made of masking tape prevent gluey finger marks and make the parts
easier to work with.
When parts are completely dry, use a sandpaper block to smooth any sharp edges
of wheels and pants. Cement eyelets in wheels, shifting the holes if necessary to
prevent wobble.
Cowling Assembly
There is no trim line on the cowling and
dummy motor. Just cut from the sheet
leaving a small rim around the edge like
the brim of a hat. Carefully trim the round
center disc from the dummy motor.
Remove the small lip at the trim line,
leaving the center ring smooth and flat.
Apply cement to one surface of each N-2
and place one inside and one outside the
cowling, sandwiching the center ring of the
motor between them. Turn them cross
grained, matching the square cutouts with
each other and centering them in the
middle of the cowling. N-2s should stick to
the cowling AND TO EACH OTHER.
Cement two N-1s together, add stiffeners, and build up the 3/32"x3/16" spacing frame. Try the completed N-1 former inside the
cowling. It must fit smoothly without forcing. If necessary, sandpaper the edge of N-2 or build it up with a paper strip to make a
good fit. Then remove the former, apply cement to the edges and the front of the spacing frame, and fit it in place permanently.
When thoroughly dry, trim away the overhanging plastic, and sandpaper the back surface flat on a sandpaper block.
Match the hardness of the longerons for the right and left sides. MAKE SIDES ACCURATELY, giving special attention to the
nose and wing mounting areas.