Congratulations on your purchase of the SIG RASCAL EP-49
ARF kit. The legend of the RASCAL began with a small rubber-
powered free-flight model in the 1940s. Adapted for modern radio
control, the RASCAL's classic good looks and dream-come-true
flying characteristics have made it the favorite everyday airplane
of thousands of R/C pilots.
SIG offers the RASCAL design in several sizes. This 49 inch
wingspan version blends the legendary RASCAL flying charac-
teristics with a state-of-the-art brushless electric power system.
Included in the kit is a 2410-09 Brushless Outrunner Motor, 18
amp speed control (ESC), and a performance matched 8.5x8 EP
propeller. Add a 3-cell 850-1400 mah lipo battery pack and you
will have a marvelous little R/C ship with outstanding flight per-
formance that is a pure joy to fly. And it's small enough to carry
around in your vehicle completely assembled and ready to fly al-
most anywhere, anytime!
Assembly of your RASCAL EP-49 ARF is fast and simple when
following the detailed instructions in this manual. A low parts
count and professional engineering ensure quick and easy as-
sembly. All parts are CAD-drawn, laser-cut, and jig assembled,
which means that everything fits the way it should! We urge you
to read this instruction manual completely before starting assem-
bly, to familiarize yourself with the parts and the assembly se-
MOTOR (supplied):
Your RASCAL EP-49 comes with a powerful
90-watt brushless motor, ready to easily and quickly install using
the directions in this assembly manual.
An 18 amp
Brushless type Electronic Speed Control is included. This ESC
is factory wired, with exception of the battery connector leads.
PROPELLER (supplied):
A SIG 8-1/2 x 8 EP propeller is
furnished with this model. This propeller provides excellent flight
performance throughout the model's flight envelope.
BATTERY PACK (not supplied):
The included motor and ESC
is designed to use 3S1P Lithium Polymer (LiPo) battery packs in
the 850-1400 mAh capacities. Properly charged, these packs de-
liver excellent power and duration for the RASCAL EP-49.
As battery packs go up in capacity, so does their weight.
In turn, this can effect the recommended Center of Gravity loca-
tion for this model. Use the pack size and capacity that best suits
the model in terms of the C.G. location. See the "Balance Your
Airplane" section of this manual for more details.
BATTERY CHARGER (not supplied):
In addition to providing the critical charging profile needed to
safely charge lipo batteries, a lipo battery charger also includes
the capability of "balancing" the available voltage in the cells, en-
suring that the battery pack is at peak capacity at the end of the
charge cycle. This translates to better flight times and a longer
life from the battery pack.
The RASCAL EP-49 gets its great flight performance from many
factors, but two of the most important factors are its lightweight
and generous wing area. The lighter the final weight is, the better
this airplane will fly! Since this model is factory built and covered,
you can only realistically control the finished, ready-to-fly weight
by choosing the most appropriate radio equipment for a model of
this size. In short, the flight performance of your RASCAL EP-49
will be directly controlled by the weight of the radio equipment you
choose to put in it. Maximum performance can only be achieved
with lightweight components.
A small or "micro" size receiver should be used in
this model due to weight and size constraints. In our flight tests
of the KADET EP-42B, we have used the following dual conver-
sion receivers:
Receiver Weight
FMA M5 FM 11 grams
Hitec Electron 6 FM 19 grams
Hitec Minima 2.4GHz 6.5 grams
"Standard" size servos (the ones that come with most
sport radio systems) are too big and too heavy for the RASCAL
EP-49. You will need smaller servos. In our flight tests of the
RASCAL EP-49, we have used the following servos.
Hitec HS-55 7.9 grams 15 in/oz
Airtronics 94091 9.0 grams 18 in/oz
Any other brand of servo that is in the same size and
torque range will also work just fine.
You will need one Y-Harness Chord to con-
nect the two aileron servos together. This allows you to operate
both aileron servos off of one receiver lead. Every radio manu-
facturer has Y-Harness Chords available for their radio systems.
Also, depending on exactly how long the wires are on your aileron
servos, you will most likely need two 6" Servo Extension Chords
to give you enough wire length to run through the wing.
In our prototype installations, we leave the single end of
the Y-harness plugged into the receiver permanently, and then,
unplug the two aileron servo extension chords from the Y-harness
when we remove the wing from the airplane.
Your RASCAL EP-49 is covered with ORACOVER®, a premium
quality covering made in Germany, and sold in the U.S. by
Hanger-9 as Ultracote®.
Colors Used On Your Airplane
ORACOVER® #10 White (Ultracote® #HANU870)
ORACOVER® #29 Transparent Red (Ultracote® #HANU950)
ORACOVER® #39 Transparent Yellow (Ultracote® #HANU952)
Wrinkles? After you remove the covered model parts from their
plastic bags, you may notice within the first couple days that some
of the covering material may become slack or wrinkled. If that's
the case, there is no need to be alarmed. The covering is not de-
fective! Your RASCAL EP-49 was covered in a part of the world
that has consistently high humidity, and some of that moisture is
retained in the balsa wood when the parts were put in the bags.