60. Pin the side in position over the top view of the plan.
Epoxy glue the other fuselage side to F-2 and F-3 over the plans. Check with a square before the glue sets up.
Pull the fuselage sides together at the rear using square weights (pieces of scrap iron shown here) and glue together.
Epoxy glue both sides of F-1 and glue in place over the plans. Pin or use weights to hold the sides until the glue sets up.
The bottom of the fuselage may now be sheeted using cross-grain pieces of 3/32" sheet balsa. The top of the fuselage is
sheeted later.
Use a sanding block to smooth the
rough edges
Glue the 1/8" Lite-Ply towhook base in
place as indicated on the plans.
Drill a hole for the towhook through the
bottom of the fuselage and the towhook
base. Do not glue the towhook in. It is
best to do this after covering the model
It is best to have the tail parts complete at this time so that they may be used for pushrod alignment. Mark the location at
the rear of the fuselage for the exit slot of the rudder pushrod. Cut out the exit slot. Trim around the slot so that the outer
tubing fits tightly.
Insert the outer tubing through the slot and push the tubing up through the fuselage into the servo compartment.