SPS5000X series service manual
CURR Current
VOLT Voltage
Start: the starting point for the calibration to take effect
End: the end point for the calibration to take effect
X1: the first SPS readback value
Y1: the first multimeter measured value
X2: the second SPS readback value
Y2: the second multimeter measured value
CALibrate:SET:<type> <CHn>,<Start>,<End>,<X1>,<Y1>,<X2>,<Y2>
This command is used to calibrate setting voltage.
X1: the first multimeter measured value
Y1: The first value set by SPS
X2: the second multimeter measured value
Y2: The second value set by SPS
CALibrate:SAVE <CHn>,<type>
This command is used to save the specified type of calibration data.
VSET Setting voltage
VMEAS Measuring voltage
CSET Setting current
CMEAS Measuring current
Specific method steps:
Voltage calibration
Take SPS5081X channel 1 as an example. Calibration equipments are SPS
and multimeter.
(1) Send command CALibrate:STATe CH1,1 to enter calibration mode.
(2) Send command CALibrate:CLEAn VSET to clear calibration data.
(3) Send command CALibrate:CLEAn VMEAS to clear calibration data.
(4) Set SPS current 1A, voltage Vset1 = 0.5V, turn on the output.
(5) The measured value of the multimeter is Vm1, and the value displayed
by SPS is Vsps1.
Record the values of Vm1 and Vsps1.
(6) Change SPS voltage to Vset2 = 35V.
(7) The measured value of the multimeter is Vm2, and the value displayed
by SPS is Vsps2.
Record the values of Vm2 and Vsps2.
(8) Change SPS voltage to Vset3 = 75V.