addresses can be entered that will be provided to LAN clients via DHCP. These are in addition to
the DNS servers automatically provided by WAN connections. Press "Save DHCP Settings" to
save and apply the DHCP server settings. Any new settings will take effect immediately.
In addition, up to eight static DHCP address assignments can be configured. To add a static IP
assignment, enter the LAN device’s name (must be unique in the private network) and/or MAC
address. Specify the static IP to be assigned and press the "Add" button. To remove an existing
entry, press the "Remove" button next to the entry to be removed.
To view the current active DHCP client binding table (the internal list of devices for which the
server has provided an IP address lease), press "View DHCP Table". A popup window will
appear displaying the list of bindings. Press "Update" to update the binding information. Press
"Close" to close the binding table window. To clear the device’s internal DHCP client binding
table, press "Clear client binding table". Be aware that doing this will destroy the DHCP server’s
knowledge of the LAN clients it has provisioned, and may result in client problems when a client
tries to renew its lease.
2.3 Routing Settings
This sub-page allows configuration of the device’s core router functionality. The router settings
do not apply if the device is operating in bridge only mode.