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DocNo.DCP0001328 RnB 10/10/03 rev6
Upon receipt of shipment, please inspect for any damage incurred in transit. If damage is
found, please notify your local representative and the transport company immediately. State date, nature of
damage and whether any damage was noticed on the shipping container prior to unpacking. Please give the
waybill number of the shipping order.
The unit should not be placed in areas;
with poor ventilation
exposed to direct sunlight
with high ambient temperature or adjacent to heat generating equipment
with high humidity or dust levels
susceptible to vibration
Internal adjustments
The SVMP2-8 has no internal components, which require operator adjustment.
DC power operation
The SVMP2-8 requires a 24V DC supply which enters the unit through either of the Message connectors
(See page 3). One of the front panel power LED will be lit Indicating which message connector is supplying
to the SVMP2-8.
This unit must never be plugged directly into a 230V AC power supply.
The two Soundvault modules store Wave files which are loaded directly from a PC via the parallel port. This
process requires SigNET’s Soundvault Download Utility and a cable.
The cable must have male 25 pin ‘D’ type connectors on both ends and all pins must be connected at both
ends. Pin connections must be strictly one to one. Maplin Professional Supplies part No. JC12N is
Two message modules are available, 11kHz and 16kHz. The 16kHz model provides approximately 32
seconds of audio per module. The 11kHz model provides slightly inferior, but still acceptable audio quality,
and provides approximately 44 seconds of audio per module.
The wave file format defines the sample rate and coding used so no option setting is required. Messages
should be recorded onto a PC using a suitable utility such as Soundforge XP.
When downloading messages with the utility software, always wait 30seconds after a download is complete.
This ensures that the processor is not interrupted whilst calculating it’s checksum for the message data. If
the checksum is corrupted then a module fault will be reported.
Windows NT based operating systems (including XP and 2000) do not allow direct access to
parallel ports, and consequently the download software will not function correctly on these operating
systems. In addition, the parallel port must be in ‘compatibilities mode’ which not all PC’s support.
Fault monitoring
Fault monitoring is in accordance with BS5839: Part 4.
At switch-on, the unit performs a self-test including ROM check, RAM check and E²PROM check.
The program is protected by a watchdog facility, which is not serviced from interrupt routines. The watchdog
is serviced by the main code only, so if the program does lock up, the processor will self-reset.
Faults are signaled to the next unit in the chain via the PTT output on each output connector, which will go
open circuit.