Group ID
Setting the selected TX group ID, maximum
up to 64 groups from 0 to 63. (Illustration
UART Baudrate
Setting the baud rate of RS-232 extension on
the selected TX. (Illustration
Stream Output Path
Setting the selected TX video output path.
Options including “Loopthrough and Network
Output”, “Disable Network Output”, “Disable
Loopthrough Output” and
“Disable All Video
Output” to activate the HDMI output on the
transmitter and receiver simultaneously or
separately. (Illustration
MAC Address
Setting the selected TX MAC address with
12 digits and hexadecimal base, values is
limited to 0~F. Please use the legal MAC
address to avoid conflict with other devices.
Device Name:
Setting the selected TX name for
identification. Up to 32 digits is accepted for
the device name setting. (Illustration