Operating Manual MH 3211
page 9 of 14
7 Remarks To Special Features
7.1 Base Address (’Adr.’)
Using the interface converter GRS3105 it is possible to connect several instruments
to a single interface. As a precondition the base addresses of all devices must not be
identical. In case several devices will be connected via one interface make sure to
configure the base addresses accordingly.
7.2 Power off Time
If there won’t be pressed any key and no interface communication takes place for the
time of the power off time setting (P.Off), the device will be switched off automatically
to save battery power.
If P.oFF = oFF then the automatic switch off is deactivated.
8 Output
The output can be used as serial interface (for USB 3100, USB 3100 N, GRS
3100 or GRS 3105 interface adapters).
If none of both is needed, we suggest to switch the output off, because battery life
then is extended.
8.1 Serial Interface
By means of the serial interface and a suitable electrically isolated interface adapter
(USB 3100, USB 3100 N, GRS 3100 or GRS 3105) the device can be connected to a
computer for data transfer.
With the GRS 3105 up to 5 devices of the GMH3xxx- series can be connected to one
interface (see also manual of GRS 3105). As a precondition the base addresses of all
devices must not be identical, make sure to configure the base addresses accordingly
(refer menu point “Adr.” in chapter 6).
To avoid transmission errors, there are several security checks implemented e.g.
The following standard software packages are available:
Operation and read out of logger function, data display in
diagrams and tables
Software for a comfortable editing of the device
EBS 20M / 60M
: 20-/60-channel software to display the measuring values
In case you want to develop your own software, we offer a
A universally applicable Windows functions library ('GMH3000.DLL') with
documentation that can be used by the most programming languages. Suitable for
Windows XP™, Windows Vista™, Windows 7™, Windows 8 / 8.1™, Windows
Programming examples Visual Studio 2010 (C#, C++ and VB) etc.
The device has 1 channel:
Channel 1: current measuring value
Note: The measuring - and display range values read back from the interface
are always in the selected measurement unit!