Section 5
Notification Expansion Mode
The SK-4224 can be used to expand the power capabilities of an existing system’s notification
appliance circuits. The SK-4224 does this by connecting the notification appliance circuits of
an existing or host fire alarm control panel to the FACP input of the SK-4224, which can
trigger the SK-4224 circuits when the host panel goes into alarm.
Note: The SK-4224 does not go into the alarm state when the host control panel triggers the SK-4224’s
notification appliance circuits.
Class A Notification Expansion Wiring
Figure 5-1 shows Class A supervised wiring from a host panel to the SK-4224 control board.
Observe the proper polarity when making wire connections and follow these requirements:
When wiring to terminal B on the SK-4224, you must use two separate wires. Do not loop
a single wire or twist two conductors together.
FACP input 20.4 VDC to 26.4 VDC.
Do not use notification appliances on Class A circuits connected to the SK-4224 FACP
input. The SK-4224 will detect voltage across the input circuits, but is not designed to pass
the added current load from the notification appliances.
Figure 5-1 Class A Supervised Notification Expansion Configuration