23.3.3 Output Control
The IDAC output to APORT can be controlled either by software or PRS. After configuring the desired output mode, set APORTOU-
TENPRS in IDAC_CTRL to enable PRS control over the output, or set APORTOUTEN in IDAC_CTRL to enable the output via soft-
23.3.4 Output Modes
The IDAC can output current to a pin through the APORT bus system. The IDAC is connected to APORT bus 1x and 1y (channel 0-31).
The IDAC output is enabled by first configuring APORTOUTSEL in IDAC_CTRL to the desired APORT channel and then setting APOR-
TOUTEN in IDAC_CTRL. For details regarding setting up the APORT see
EFM32JG1 Reference Manual
IDAC - Current Digital to Analog Converter
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Preliminary Rev. 0.6 | 792