27.3 Functional Description
Analog bus (ABUS)
Analog node (ANODE) 0
Analog node (ANODE) 1
Analog node (ANODE) 2
Analog node (ANODE) 3
Switch control
Figure 27.1. Analog Bus (ABUS)
An analog bus (ABUS) consists of analog switches connected to a common wire as shown in
Figure 27.1 Analog Bus (ABUS) on page
. An APORT consists of multiple ABUSes. Since many clients can operate differentially, buses are grouped by pairs as X and Y. If a
given client uses a single ABUS (e.g. single-ended ADC), X and Y are just labels to differentiate the two buses.
When operating differentially, most APORT clients require that one input be chosen from an X bus and the other from a Y bus. For
example, the ACMP block will not allow both positive and negative inputs to be chosen from X buses.
EFM32JG1 Reference Manual
APORT - Analog Port
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Preliminary Rev. 0.6 | 921