instances of an APORT client connect to different ABUSes. For example, ACMP0 BUS1X might connect to the ABUS APAX while
ACMP1 BUS1X might connect to ABUS APCX. Refer to the APORT Client Map in the device datasheet to map the generalized APORT
client bus name to an actual device ABUS.
A given ABUS has multiple switches which need to be identified. The switches on a bus are specified with the bus name ID followed by
a channel ID. For example, channel switch 7 on a given APORT client might be given as BUS1XCH7. Channels are not always map to
an I/O for a particular device. Refer to the APORT Client Map in the device datasheet for which channels are mapped, and if mapped,
to which I/O.
EFM32JG1 Reference Manual
APORT - Analog Port
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Preliminary Rev. 0.6 | 923