2.3 Updating Simplicity Studio
In addition to downloading packages, you can also update the Simplicity Studio core software at any time by clicking the [
Update Soft-
] icon in the top right-hand corner of the Simplicity Perspective.
Figure 2.5. Updating Simplicity Studio
2.4 Discovering Your Development Kit Hardware in Simplicity Studio
When you launch Simplicity Studio, it should automatically discover your USB connected Wireless Starter Kit (WSTK) hardware and
display it in the Simplicity Perspective, as shown below:
Figure 2.6. Detected Hardware
The WSTK board will come up with an identifier that includes the serial number of the WSTK connected. The serial number displayed in
Simplicity Studio should match the number displayed on the WSTK board’s LCD.
AN888: EZR32 Quick Start Guide
Running Simplicity Studio for the First Time
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Rev. 0.4 | 5