5. Peripherals
The starter kit has a set of peripherals that showcase some of the features of the EZR32 Wonder Gecko Wireless Microcontroller.
Be aware that most EZR32 I/O routed to peripherals are also routed to the breakout pads. This must be taken into consideration when
using the breakout pads for your application.
5.1 Push Buttons and LEDs
The kit has two user push buttons marked PB0 and PB1. They are connected to the EZR32, and are debounced by RC filters with a
time constant of 1ms. The buttons are connected to pins PC8 and PC9.
In addition to the two push buttons, the kit also features two yellow LEDs marked
, that are controlled by GPIO pins on
the EZR32. The LEDs are connected to pins PC10 and PC11 in an active-high configuration.
Figure 5.1. Buttons/LEDs
EZR32WG 915MHz Wireless Starter Kit
| Smart. Connected. Energy-friendly.
Rev. 1.2 | 6