For "Debug IN" to work, the kit board controller must be powered through the Debug USB connector.
8.2 Debugging During Battery Operation
When the EFM32 is powered by battery and the J-Link USB is still connected, the on-board debug functionality is available. If the USB
power is disconnected, the Debug In mode will stop working.
If debug access is required when the target is running of another energy source, such as a battery, and the board controller is powered
down, the user should make direct connections to the GPIO used for debugging. This can be done by connecting to the appropriate
pins of the breakout pads. Some Silicon Labs kits provide a dedicated pin header for this purpose.
UG287: EFM32 Giant Gecko GG11 Starter Kit User's Guide
On-Board Debugger
| Building a more connected world.
Rev. 1.10 | 28