ETRX357 Development Kit
©2016 Silicon Labs
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ETRX357DVK Product Manual (Rev 1.12)
Figure 12. Satisfactory completion
Please note that each devboard and USB stick has a unique serial number which requires the
installation procedure to be repeated with every new unit being attached to the computer. This allows
multiple devices to be used on the same computer at any one time. If a USB stick is unplugged and
re-inserted the computer recognises it without having to repeat the installation process, and the USB
device retains its former COM port number.
In order to find out the identity/number of the virtual COM port the devboard or USB stick has been
assigned to, please open the Device Manager under the Windows Computer Management screen
(see below) and click on the Ports (COM and LPT) section where you should find the new virtual
COM port. By double clicking on the entry of the virtual COM port you can also change the number
assigned to the virtual COM port when entering the advanced setup of the device.