ETRX357 Development Kit
©2016 Silicon Labs
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ETRX357DVK Product Manual (Rev 1.12)
13.2 Over the Air Firmware Upgrades
ETRX2 and ETRX357 features
With the ETRX2, upgrading over the air is possible by cl
oning a local node’s firmware to a remote
node, so if new firmware has to be introduced to the network it can be downloaded serially to a
master node, which then can clone itself to one node after the other in turn given the target node is
only a single hop away. Cloning between some firmware releases may not always be possible, so
check the Firmware Revision History for relevant comments.
The ETRX357 uses passthrough OTA bootloading, so the new file is stored in the host processor
and loaded on to the target device by transmitting it through the local device. The local device is
therefore not required to have the same firmware as the updated target.
The ETRX2 and ETRX357 have different bootloaders and firmware files as well as different modes
of transferring the new file. Consequently you cannot upgrade an ETRX357 via an ETRX2 or vice-
Passthrough with an ETRX357
You should first verify that the module’s bootloaders are sufficiently recent, as this feature was not
included in the earliest versions. Start the bootloader with the AT+BLOAD command, enter a <cr>
and check the response, then exit the bootloader without altering the firmware by selecting option 2
(‘run’). The bootloader needs to be version v42 or higher for passthrough to be possible, or else v01
which is a Telegesis variant of the Silicon Labs bootloader. A new bootloader can only be installed
by reflashing the module’s memory with a Silicon Labs Insight Adaptor.
The passthrough process is similar to bootloading a file on to the local device, except that there is
no need to change the baud rate. Use the command
:<EUI64 of the target device>:<Target device’s password>
The device will respond with a prompt and a sequence of ‘C’ characters. Select
… from the drop-down menu of Telegesis Terminal and browse for the new firmware file.
Firmware files for the ETRX357 will be in the format ETRX357_R3xxC.ebl. After checking that the
protocol is set to XMODEM (128 Bytes), press the
button and the new firmware will be
downloaded as shown in Figure 22.
Passthrough bootloading on to an End Device or across multiple hops is not possible.