Before You Start
Before using Silk’n Clear for the first time, please read this manual
in its entirety. Pay particular attention to sections on device use
procedures, device operation, and after-use procedures.
What is Silk’n Clear?
Silk’n Clear is a hand held light emitting diode (LED) device for
Acne treatment.
Typical areas for Silk’n Clear treatment are the neck, the chin, the
cheeks, the forehead, and every other face or body site infected
with acne.
Silk’n Clear device description
Silk’n Clear device consists of a Base Unit, an Applicator and
an Adaptor.
Silk’n Clear Applicator is a hand held unit that contains a Treatment
Surface at the Applicator tip, On/Off Switch and Indicator Panel.
Silk’n Clear Base Unit is used to charge the Applicator batteries.