VERTICALE Nav Awl with Stop*
Assemble and register respective probe as described in
assembly and registration section� Please refer to general
notes section prior to navigation�
Please refer to the VERTICALE® OPEN Instrumentation Guide
for information on opening up the cancellous bone of the
vertebral body with a probe�
* Further instrument options at the end of this guide�
Open the pedicle canal with a probe
SILONY MEDICAL – Instrumentation Guide
Position and approach
Assemble and register respective awl as described in assembly
and registration section� Please refer to general notes section
prior to navigation�
Please refer to the VERTICALE® OPEN Instrumentation Guide
for information on opening the pedicle with an awl�
* Further instrument options at the end of this guide�
VERTICALE Nav Thoracic Probe*
VERTICALE Nav Lumbar Probe*
Please refer to the VERTICALE® OPEN Instrumentation Guide for information on patient position and approach�
Opening the cortex of the pedicle