Companion One
Pager Features: 7950
Operational Manual — Usage,
Message Management, Settings
The Companion One paging feature allows
staff to receive emergency calls from
anywhere on the community’s campus. This
guide explains various pager options as well
as how to field program a 7950 pager.
My Pager Settings are:
Pager ID 1:
Pager ID 2:
Pager ID 3:
Pager ID 4:
Pager ID 5:
Pager ID 6:
Pager ID 7:
Pager ID 8:
— All textual
information displays here.
After a period of inactivity,
this screen goes into
screen-saver mode.
The “red” button
Press to display menu
options, escape a menu,
increase numbers.
The left and right
arrow keys
— used to
navigate menu options,
settings, messages, etc...
The “green button”
Press to read messages, confirm
setting changes, exit screen
saver mode, decrease numbers.
Symbol Lines
see Symbol Legends
Time &
Operational Manual — Pager Features: 7950
©2014 Silversphere - Doc.Pager.0214
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