Installation manual ESM-T/X-EV (24 A / 48 A / 72 A)
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ESM-T/X-EV with power supply
Measurement readings control electronics
If no charging current is indicated during
the measurement, after approx. 40
seconds a second measurement has to
be accomplished. The reason therefor is,
that after a charging cycle (8 minutes) a
break- and measure period (approx. 40
seconds) is required for the automatic
accu monitoring.
F o r e x a m p l e a n o n - c o n n e c t e d
a c c u m u l a t o r g e t s d e t e c t e d a n d
consequently a fault alarm is indicated.
The LED indication “O.K.” at the charging
electronics blinks (= fault). If the lead accu
is defective, this also is signaled by a fault
Accu monitoring
Charging electronics, LB-1*0
Charging electronics, LB-1*0
Lead - accu, 12V
Lead accu, 12V
During the measurement mains voltage is applied!!
Dublications, also in extracts, are only legal with express authorisation from SIMON RWA SYSTEME GmbH Passau
During mains operation the emergency accu is permanently charged with an I/U-charging. In emergency current mode the
charging gets disconnected. After discharging the load electronics is able to charge 80 % of the nominal capacity within 24 h
and after another 48 h it charges the accu 100%. According to VdS 2593 resp. EN 12101-10 the charging is dependent on
temperature. Thereby the charging voltage is adjusted according to the environmental temperature.
The temperature-operated charging voltage must be within the range of
26,7 V and 28,2 V (e. g. at an environmental temperature of 20° C the
charging voltage is at approx. 27,5 V). This reading can be measured at a
charged accu (without disconnecting the accu from the charging).
In order to check the function of the
charging at a discharged accumulator
anyway, the charging current must be
The reading is approx. 1,5 A.
Lead - Accu, 12V
Lead accu, 12V