Assembly instructions for kit #8
All rights reserved. 2001 Simple Motors, LLC
The following diagram shows how to get 1.5, 3, 4.5, and 6 Volts using 1, 2, 3, or 4 batteries
and a jumper wire shown in blue color. Arrows show the current flow for 1.5, 3, and 4.5
Volts settings. Could you trace the current when all 4 batteries are inserted (there is no
jumper wire in this case)?
Inspect your battery holder – it may have different connections inside. In this case you can
still use the jumper wire in the same manner to get all 4 voltages, but you will need to find
appropriate connection points for each voltage setting.
Insert bare ends of the jumper wire between the spring and plastic case to make a good
contact and hold them in place. This is how the jumper wire is actually used for 3 Volts
experiments (one end is disconnected and may serve as on/off switch):