SimpliPhi Power, Inc. | 420 Bryant Circle | Ojai, CA 93023, USA | +1 (805) 640-6700 | |
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The Lithium Ferrous Phosphate (LFP) cells utilized throughout the entire PHI and LibertyPak product lines
are classified as non-hazardous by OSHA and WHMIS. They are non-toxic, unlike NiMH, NiCad or Lead
Acid types of batteries (including AGM). The PHI2.6™ Smart-Tech Batteries contain the least amount of toxic
metals, and are the most eco friendly of all common battery types. Lithium easily combines into harmless
compounds when disposed of. The PHI2.6™ Smart-Tech Batteries are the least polluting rechargeable
batteries on the market today – no fumes, leaking, or gas discharge and no chemicals or acids to worry
Designed and Assembled in the USA Using Exclusive American Patented Technologies.