Sinar arTec Operating Instruction V 1.00
5.3 Using a Shading Image in the Sinar eXposure™ Software
5.3.1 Preparation
You have already installed the Sinar eXposure™ Software Version 6.1.1 or higher on your computer and you
are already familiar with its current functions. The section that follows supplements the integrated help function
of the Sinar eXposure™ software.
In order to make the shading function more readily accessible, it is worthwhile to add it to the toolbar: In the
"View" menu, go to the "Toolbar" and select "Customize toolbar...".
Fig. 44: Add the Shading function to the Toolbar
of the Sinar eXposure™ software
There you will find an ample selection of function icons. Select the “Shading Mode“ icon and drag-and-drop it
into the toolbar. As soon as you drag the icon into the toolbar, a place is opened for the new function.
5.3.2 Defining the Shading file and assigning it to the images
When you have your pictures in front of you on a Contact sheet, you can now call up the "Shading Mode". You
will immediately see a small black square in the upper left corner of every image. That square is a control field
that refers to the Shading files.
Fig. 45: Contact sheet in the Sinar eXposure™ software
Activating the Shading mode
Now mark all the images that you made with the Shading Diffusor by clicking on the small black square of
every Shading file.
As soon as a shading data file has been defined, it will be applied to all the images that follow, until the next
Shading file comes up.