2) Completely power down the UPS from Battery mode
Press the ON/OFF! button persistently for more than 1 second to power off the UPS.
When being powered off, the UPS will start self-diagnosis and all the load/battery
capacity indicators will be turn on and off one after another. Finally, not any display is
shown on the front panel and no voltage output is available from the UPS outlets.
4.3.2 Conducting Battery self-diagnosis
In UPS operation, users can manually initiate battery self-diagnosis to check the battery
conditions. There are two methods to initiate the battery self-diagnosis:
1. Through the function button
In normal mode, press and hold the function for more than 2 seconds until the buzzer
beeps. indicating the UPS has worked in battery mode and the battery self-diagnosis
has started. The battery self-diagnosis will last for 10 seconds default (Users can set
up it through WinPower software). In the event of a battery fault during battery self-
diagnosis, the UPS will transfer to normal mode automatically.
2. Through the background monitoring software
Users can also initiate battery self-diagnosis through the background monitoring