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First of all, we would like to congratulate with you for your choice of our Sinfoni Prodigio amplifier.
If you are reading this short introduction instead of madly flick across the pages of this handbook looking
for features like the weighted noise or the T.I.M., then maybe we have hit the target to unveil a little bit of
the philosophy of our laboratories. In fact, you will not find these figures among the characteristics of our
products mainly because it is our firm conviction that it is impossible to value such a product only on the
basis of plain numbers. It would be like guessing the taste of a dish reading just the list of its ingredients.
Only after a suitable “tasting” you will realize the striking sound properties of our products, and
you will appreciate their transparency, their musicality, their depth and all other aspects that probably, as a
Sinfoni purchaser, you already know. Try to describe it with cold technical parameters, if you can!
In order to get the utmost from our products, we recommend you to use only high-quality com-
ponents and cables: with a few adjustment every Sinfoni amplifier will give you unexpected emotions and
sensations. We kindly ask you to follow the indications mentioned in this handbook, and we wish you to
enjoy Music at best.