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Form ZCE868


Date 2022January14/A

Sanding belts rotating at excessive speed can burst.

Check the speed printed on the backing pad. This speed must be greater than the nameplate speed of the sander. Do not exceed 

rated operating air pressure. Never run the tool unless the abrasive is applied to the work piece.

Bursting sanding belts can cause injury or death. 

Sanders are not guarded for use with grinding wheels or cut off wheels.

Never mount a grinding wheel or cutoff wheel on a sander. 

Unguarded grinding wheels and cut off wheels can cause injury.

Sanders can generate unexpected movement. 

Keep a firm grip on the tool at all times. Be sure your body position allows you to have control of the tool at all times. Make 

sure your footing is secure. When possible, secure the work piece in a vice or with clamps. Hold the tool correctly; be ready to 

counteract normal or sudden movements and have both hands available. Maintain a balanced body position with secure footing.

Unexpected tool movement can cause injury. 

Using excessive force on a tool makes it hard to control. 

Do not force tool. 

Hard to control tool can cause injury. 

Taping or wiring the throttle valve in the “ON” position will prevent the tool from shutting off if the tool should jam or malfunction or if 

anything unexpected happens. 

Do not wire or tape down the “On-Off” valve of any power tool. 

Tools that are prevented from shutting off can cause injury. 

Poorly maintained and lubricated tools can fail unexpectedly. 

Keep tool properly lubricated and in good repair at all times. Use only Sioux Air Motor Oil No. 288. See the tool’s information 

sheet to find out what other greases and oils to use. Do not drop the end of the hose on the floor where it will pick up dirt and 

transport it into the tool. See information sheet for any additional maintenance requirements.  Never run the tool unless the 

abrasive is applied to the work piece.

Unexpected tool failures can cause injury. 

Abrasive belts and related equipment in poor shape or not the proper ones for the tool can cause the tool to malfunction. Abrasive 

belts not properly mounted can spin off.  Sanding disc not properly attached can spin off. Dust collection equipment not properly 

attached can come off.

Be certain that all sanding belts, sanding discs and related equipment are in good shape, the proper ones for the type and size 

of tool being used, and are securely fastened. Select, maintain, and replace the consumables as recommended by the supplier.  

Sanding belts and sanding discs that spin off can cause injury. Dust collection equipment that comes off can cause injury. Tools should 

be periodically inspected to ensure ratings and markings are legible. Replace labeling as needed. Avoid exposure to hazardous 

substances deposited on the tool.

Sanding discs mounted off-center can expose an excessive portion of the edge and cause vibration.

Make sure the sanding disc is mounted concentrically on the backing pad.  Inspect the belt before each use. Do not use if 

cracked or broken or if it has been dropped.

Excessively exposed portions of the sanding disc can cause injury. Excessive vibration can cause injury.

Air hoses can come loose from power tools and whip. 

Inspect and do not use tools with loose or damaged air hoses or fittings. 

Whipping air hoses can cause injury. 

Air hoses that are not oil resistant or are not rated for the working pressure can burst. 

Make sure that all air hoses are oil resistant and rated for the working pressure. When universal twist couplings are used, lock pins 

shall be installed and whipcheck safety cables shall be used to safeguard against hose-to-tool or hose-to-hose connection failure.

Air hoses that burst can cause injury. 

Tools not operated at proper air pressure can operate erratically. 

Do not exceed a maximum air pressure of 90 psig/6.2 bar or as stated on the tool’s nameplate or operating instructions. Use an 

air regulator to maintain proper air pressure. Air pressure should be checked at the point where air enters the tool while the tool is 

running. Speed should be checked while the tool is running maximum free speed at maximum air pressure (90 psig/6.2 bar). Check 

operating pressure and freespeed after any maintenance, repairs, or potentially damaging events to verify safe operating conditions.

Erratic operation in power tools can cause injury. 

Improperly repaired tools perform unpredictably. 

Repair tools at an Authorized Sioux Service Center. Only qualified and trained operators should install, adjust, or use the sander.

Tools that perform unpredictably can cause injury. 

Tools left connected to the air supply can start unexpectedly. 

Always remove tool from air supply and activate trigger to bleed air line before making any adjustments, changing accessories, 

or doing any maintenance or service on tool. Make it a habit to check to see that all adjusting keys and wrenches have been 

removed from tool before turning it on. Never carry an air tool by the hose. Avoid direct contact with accessories during or after 

use, as they may be hot or sharp.  When using a sander or polisher to perform work-related activities, the operator can experience 

discomfort in the hands, arms, shoulders, neck or other parts of the body. Air under pressure can cause severe injury.

Tools starting unexpectedly and flying keys and wrenches can cause injury.

Working in poorly lit areas makes it hard to see hazards. 

Keep work area well lit. For overhead work, wear a safety helmet.  Slips, trips, and falls are a major cause of workplace injury. Be 

aware of slippery surfaces caused by use of the tool; and the trip hazards cause by the air hose. Consider risks to bystanders. 

While using a sander or polisher, the operator should adopt a comfortable posture whilst maintaining secure footing and 

avoiding awkward or off-balance postures.  The operator should change posture during extended tasks; this can help avoid 

discomfort and fatigue.

Poorly lit work areas can cause injury. 

Children are attracted to work areas. 

Keep children away. All visitors must keep a safe distance away from work area. Exhaust air can be extremely cold or 

contaminated. Never direct air at yourself or anyone else. Use appropriate precautions.

Children in work areas can be injured. 

Unauthorized or untrained personnel can misuse unattended tools. 

Do not operate tools without professional guidance. Store idle tools in a dry, high or locked-up place, out of the reach of children. 

If the operator experiences symptoms such as persistent or recurring discomfort, pain, throbbing, aching, tingling, numbness, 

burning sensations or stiffness, these warning signs should not be ignored.  The operator should tell the employer and consult a 

qualified health professional.

Misused tools can cause injury. 

Summary of Contents for SBS05S Series

Page 1: ... grip force is higher Prolonged exposure to vibration can cause injury Sanding belts can cause cuts and abrasions Keep hands and other body parts away from sanding belts to prevent cutting or pinching Wear protective clothing and gloves to protect hands Contact with rotating sanding belts can cause injury Sanders present a risk of entanglement Keep loose hair away from power tools and accessories ...

Page 2: ...ngs Whipping air hoses can cause injury Air hoses that are not oil resistant or are not rated for the working pressure can burst Make sure that all air hoses are oil resistant and rated for the working pressure When universal twist couplings are used lock pins shall be installed and whipcheck safety cables shall be used to safeguard against hose to tool or hose to hose connection failure Air hoses...

Page 3: ... actuator if an unexpected loss of air pressure occurs Unexpected tool starts can cause injury Tools with the actuator left in the on position can cause unexpected starts when the tool is connected to the air supply Be sure actuator is off before hooking up air Unexpected starts can cause injury Sanders may coast for a short time after the trigger is released Be sure tool has come to a complete st...

Page 4: ...ibrationen kann zu Verletzungen führen Schleifbänder können Schnittverletzungen und Abschürfungen verursachen Hände oder andere Körperteile dürfen nicht mit Schleiftellern in Berührung kommen um Schnittverletzungen oder Einklemmen vorzubeugen Tragen Sie Schutzkleidung und Schutzhandschuhe Das Berühren von rotierenden Schleiftellern kann zu Verletzungen führen Bei Exzenterschleifern besteht die Gef...

Page 5: ...g überprüft werden um sicherzustellen dass die technischen Angaben und Markierungen einwandfrei lesbar sind Unleserliche oder fehlende Beschriftungen ersetzen Vermeiden Sie den Kontakt mit gefährlichen Substanzen die sich am Werkzeug ablagern Schleifscheiben die nicht zentriert bzw versetzt befestigt wurden können über den Schleiftellerrand hinausragen und Vibrationen verursachen Stellen Sie siche...

Page 6: ...Abluft kann extrem kalt oder verschmutzt sein Richten Sie niemals die Luft auf sich selbst oder andere Ergreifen Sie geeignete Vorsichtsmaßnahmen Kinder in Arbeitsbereichen können verletzt werden Bei unbeaufsichtigten Werkzeugen besteht die Gefahr dass unberechtigte oder nicht geschulte Personen die Werkzeuge nicht ordnungsgemäß verwenden Bedienen Sie keineWerkzeuge ohne professionelle Anleitung B...

Page 7: ...Werkzeugs kann durch Drehen des Reglers nahe am Lufteinlass eingestellt werden Zum Einschalten des Werkzeugs den Auslöser betätigen Das Werkzeug mit niedriger Geschwindigkeit laufen lassen und mit dem Einstellknopf für den Schleifarm sicherstellen dass das Schleifband während des Betriebs des Werkzeugs auf der Walze zentriert bleibt Nach Aufziehen eines neuen Bandes muss dies möglicherweise neu ju...

Page 8: ...s manos con guantes y lleve ropa de protección Los discos de lijado podrían causar una herida si se tocan Existe el riesgo de que se enreden objetos en la lijadora No acerque el pelo a la herramienta ni a los accesorios Mantenga alejadas las manos de las piezas de la herramienta y de los accesorios que estén en movimiento No lleve joyas ropa demasiado suelta ni collares puestos cuando use una herr...

Page 9: ...rande por uno de los lados y producir vibración Instale el disco de lijado de forma que quepa perfectamente sobre la base Inspeccione la banda antes de cada uso No usar si está agrietada rota o si se ha caído Las áreas expuestas del disco de lijado pueden provocar una lesión Una vibración excesiva puede provocar lesiones Las mangueras de aire de la herramienta se pueden soltar y lastimar a alguien...

Page 10: ...espertar la curiosidad de los niños Mantenga los niños alejados Todas las personas deben permanecer a una distancia segura del área de trabajo El aire de escape puede estar muy frío o contaminado No dirija el aire ni hacia usted ni hacia ninguna otra persona Tome las precauciones apropiadas Un niño puede resultar lastimado en el área de trabajo Una herramienta desatendida puede ser utilizada por p...

Page 11: ...l de potencia de sonido dBA per EN ISO 15744 Incertidumbre dBA Nivel de vibración m s2 per EN ISO 28927 3 Incertidumbre m s2 per EN 12096 SBS05S18 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA ADVERTENCIA Utilice siempre una base del tamaño correcto para la herramienta La instalación de una base de un tamaño no indicado para la herramienta producirá una vibración excesiva ...

Page 12: ...ibrazioni utilizzare e mantenere la levigatrice o lucidatrice seguendo sempre le istruzioni contenute in questo opuscolo Vibrazioni eccessive possono causare lesioni Le levigatrici a nastro possono causare tagli e abrasioni Tenere mani e altre parti del corpo lontano dai dischi di smerigliatura per prevenire tagli o altre lesioni Indossare indumenti protettivi e guanti per proteggere le mani Il co...

Page 13: ...ili per controllare che tutte le etichette sui parametri di utilizzo siano ben leggibili Sostituire le etichette usurate Evitare l esposizione a sostanze nocive depositate sull utensile Dischi di smerigliatura montati fuori centro possono esporre una porzione eccessiva del bordo e causare vibrazioni Assicurarsi che il disco di smerigliatura sia montato concentricamente sul disco di supporto Contro...

Page 14: ...rischiose I bambini sono attratti dalle aree di lavoro Tenere lontano i bambini Tutti i visitatori devono mantenere una distanza di sicurezza dall area di lavoro L aria di sfiato può essere eccessivamente fredda o contaminata Mai indirizzare l aria verso la propria persona o verso gli altri Usare le dovute precauzioni Bambini nelle aree di lavoro possono rimanere feriti Personale non autorizzato o...

Page 15: ...el suono dBA per EN ISO 15744 Livello di potenza del suono dBA per EN ISO 15744 Incertezza dBA Livello di vibrazioni m s2 per EN ISO 28927 3 Incertezza m s2 per EN 12096 SBS05S18 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA AVVERTIMENTO Assicurarsi che il disco sia delle dimensioni corrette per l utensile per evitare vibrazioni eccessive ...

Page 16: ...ute autre partie du corps et les patins de ponçage pour éviter de se couper ou de se pincer Porter des vêtements de protection et des gants pour se protéger les mains Le contact avec les patins de ponçage rotatifs peut provoquer des dommages corporels Les ponceuses présentent un risque d accrochage Maintenir les cheveux non attachés à l écart des outils électriques et de leurs accessoires Mainteni...

Page 17: ... assurer que les valeurs nominales et les étiquettes sont lisibles Remplacer l étiquetage si nécessaire Éviter l exposition aux substances dangereuses déposées sur l outil Un centrage incorrect des disques de ponçage risque d exposer une portion trop importante du rebord et d induire des vibrations Veiller à ce que le disque de ponçage soit parfaitement centré sur la plaque de pression Inspecter l...

Page 18: ...atique Un démarrage inattendu de l outil peut provoquer des dommages corporels Le fait de laisser l activateur en position de fonctionnement peut entraîner un démarrage inattendu de l outil lors du raccordement de celui ci à l arrivée d air S assurer que l activateur se trouve en position d arrêt avant de raccorder l outil à l arrivée d air Un démarrage inattendu peut provoquer des dommages corpor...

Page 19: ... 20 secondes Ne pas lubrifier de manière excessive un excédent d huile risque de souiller la surface à poncer ENTRETIEN L eau la poussière et les autres contaminants présents dans les conduites d air risquent de produire une corrosion et un blocage des pales Après une période de repos prolongée rincer l outil avec quelques gouttes d huile et la faire fonctionner pendant 10 secondes Ceci contribuer...

Page 20: ... polijstmachine zoals aanbevolen in dit instructiehandboek om onnodige toename van het geluidsniveau te voorkomen Langdurige blootstelling aan trilling kan letsel veroorzaken Schuurbanden kunnen snij en schuurwonden veroorzaken Houd handen en andere lichaamsdelen van de schuurkussens vandaan om snijden of knellen te voorkomen Draag beschermende kleding en handschoenen om uw handen te beschermen Co...

Page 21: ...n markeringen goed leesbaar zijn Vervang de etiketten waar vereist Vermijd blootstelling aan schadelijke stoffen die zich op het gereedschap hebben afgezet Schuurschijven die niet in het midden zijn gemonteerd kunnen een te groot gedeelte van de rand blootstellen en trilling veroorzaken Zorg ervoor dat de schuurschijf concentrisch is gemonteerd op het steunkussen Inspecteer de schuurband altijd vo...

Page 22: ...staan en ongemakkelijke of niet goed in evenwicht zijnde lichaamshoudingen vermijden De gebruiker moet bij langdurige werkzaamheden van lichaamshouding veranderen dat kan ongemak of vermoeidheid helpen vermijden Slecht verlichte werkruimten kunnen letsel veroorzaken Kinderen zijn aangetrokken tot werkruimten Houd kinderen uit de buurt Alle bezoekers moeten op een veilige afstand van de werkruimte ...

Page 23: ...744 Geluidskrachtniveau dBA per EN ISO 15744 Onzekerheid dBA Trillingsniveau m s2 per EN ISO 28927 3 Onzekerheid m s2 per EN 12096 SBS05S18 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA WAARSCHUWING Zorg ervoor dat het kussen het juiste formaat is voor het werktuig Als het werktuig en het kussen niet gelijk zijn kan dit overmatige trilling veroorzaken ...

Page 24: ...rhindra skärsår och fastklämning genom att hålla händerna och andra kroppsdelar borta från slipdynan Bär skyddskläder och handskar Kontakt med roterande slipdynor kan förorsaka personskada Slipmaskiner skapar en risk för intrasslande Håll löst hängande hår borta från motordrivna verktyg och tillbehör Håll händerna borta från verktygets och tillbehörens rörliga delar Undvik att bära smycken löst si...

Page 25: ...a verktygen och använd dem inte om luftslangarna eller fattningarna är lösa eller skadade När universal twist kopplingar klokopplingar används ska låsstift vara installerade och man ska använda säkerhetskablar som förhindrar piskskador vid slangbrott slang till verktyg och slang till slang Piskande luftslangar kan förorsaka personskada Luftslangar som inte är oljebeständiga eller inte är klassade ...

Page 26: ...uftledningssmörjare inte används måste 8 till 10 droppar olja för tryckluftsmotorer tillsättas i luftintaget vid arbetsdagens början Därefter ska motorn köras under 10 20 sekunder Kom ihåg att alltför mycket olja kan smutsa ned den yta som ska slipas känsla eller stelhet bör operatören söka medicinsk hjälp Felaktigt använda verktyg kan förorsaka kroppsskada Verktyg vars avtryckare är omställd i lä...

Page 27: ...Drive Wheel 11 80031 Clamp Nut 12 80035 Output Spindle 13 10145 Ball Bearing 14 74890 Felt Ring 15 SP74114 Gear Set 16 SDR 26 Ball Bearing 2 17 74920 Retaining Ring 18 80033 Angle Head 19 30375 Grease Fitting 20 77082 Clamp Nut 21 ME11A12 Ball Bearing 22 ME7A167 Retaining Ring 23 PT200 10B Front End Plate Spacer 24 PT200 4B Front End Plate 25 PT200A6 Rotor 26 PT200A30 5V Vane Set 27 PT200 7A Cylin...

Page 28: ...Form ZCE868 28 Date 2022January14 A NOTES ...

Page 29: ...e verwendeten einschlägigen harmonisierten Normen oder Bezugnahme auf Spezifikationen anhand derer die Konformität erklärt wird Sicherheit EN ISO 11148 8 2011 Schwingungsemission EN ISO 28927 3 2009 Geräuschemission EN ISO 15744 2008 Der Bevollmächtigte innerhalb der Europäischen Union EU ist Francesco Frezza Snap on Equipment Via Prov Carpi 33 42015 Correggio RE Italy Für und im Namen des oben ge...

Page 30: ...s machines 2006 42 EC Les références aux normes harmonisées utilisées ou référencées dans les spécifications en vertu desquelles la conformité est déclarée Sécurité EN ISO 11148 8 2011 Vibration EN ISO 28927 3 2009 Bruit EN ISO 15744 2008 Le représentant agréé dans l Union Européenne UE est Francesco Frezza Snap on Equipment Via Prov Carpi 33 42015 Correggio RE Italy Signé pour et au nom du fabric...

Page 31: ...rift www snapon com Varumärkeserkännanden Snap On är ett registrerat varumärke som tillhör Snap on Incorporated EU VERKLARING VAN OVEREENSTEMMING Voor de afgifte van deze verklaring van overeenstemming is uitsluitend de fabrikant verantwoordelijk Snap on Tools Company 2801 80th Street Kenosha WI 53141 1410 VS Onderwerp van de verklaring Product Bandschuurmachine Modelnr SBS05S18 Handelsmerk Sioux ...

Page 32: ...eggiatura segatura smerigliatura trapanatura con attrezzi elettrici e simili attività può contenere sostanze chimiche che causano cancro difetti congeniti o altri danni all apparato riproduttivo AVERTISSEMENT Les poussières produites par les travaux de ponçage sciage meulage perçage et autres activités du bâtiment contiennent des substances chimiques aux propriétés réputées pour provoquer le cance...

Page 33: ...This pdf incorporates the following model numbers SBS05S12 SBS05S18 571 618F 571 418F 571 218C ...
