Alarm silence facility
When the smoke alarm has detected smoke and turns into the alarm
mode, you can mute the alarm for a minimum of 5 minutes and a
maximum 15 minutes by pressing the test bu on. A er that, the smoke
alarm automa cally resets and returns into the normal opera on mode.
If there are s ll par cles of combus on in the air, the smoke alarm will
turn into the alarm mode again. WARNING: Use this func on only if you
are absolutely sure that the alarm was triggered by a known problem,
e.g. smoke development during cooking.
Low ba ery mode
When the ba ery is running low, the smoke alarm will indicate this with
a repe ve beep and flash for approximately 30 days. WARNING: This
smoke alarm is equipped with a non-replaceable ba ery. When this
warning occurs, replace the device as soon as possible! The acous c low
ba ery warning signal can be muted for ten hours by pressing the test
bu on. The smoke alarm is s ll func oning and able to detect smoke
when it's in this mode.
Fault warning mode
The smoke alarm runs through a periodical self-test. When the smoke
sensor is not func oning properly, it will turn into the sensor fault
warning mode. Try cleaning the smoke alarm (see paragraph
“Maintenance“) or replace the smoke alarm!
If the buzzer is not working correctly, the device will turn into the buzzer
fault warning mode. Please immediately contact the manufacturer or
replace the smoke alarm when this occurs.
Night mode
This smoke alarm has an automa c night mode. In dark rooms, the led
signal will be dimmed to prevent disturbance of the night's sleep.
Infrared transmi er mode
This product is designed with an infrared emission func on. When the
test bu on is pressed, the infrared transmi er will send product
informa on to the receiver.When the device enters the alarm mode, the
infrared transmi er sends a signal every 4 seconds un l the device leaves
the alarm mode.
When the test bu on is pressed, the following data will be sent to the
receiver: 1. test command 2. produc on me 3. sensor calibra on data 4.
sensor signal strenght 5. product model 6. product type 7. hardware
version 8. agreement version 9. so ware version 10. ID code.
This smoke alarm is equipped with a self-tes ng mechanism. We
recommend to test the smoke detector manually at least once every
three months by using the test facility. If the smoke alarm func ons
correctly, it will generate a loud beep. Due to the loudness of the
alarm, make sure that you always stand at arm’s length distance from
the unit when you are tes ng. If the smoke alarm does not generate
an acous c signal, the smoke alarm must be replaced immediately!
Clean the smoke alarm at least once per month to remove dirt, dust or
debris. Use a vacuum cleaner with a so brush and vacuum all sides
and covers of the smoke alarm. Do not remove the top cover of the
smoke alarm to clean it inside.
Do not a empt to repair this smoke alarm. If the smoke alarm shows a
damage related to its func onality, it must be replaced!
Trouble shoo ng: False alarm is o en caused by dust or steam.
Document nr.: GS546_Manual
Revision nr.: D
Revision date: 19-06-2019
Product type : Smoke alarm
Item number : GS546
Manufacturer : Siterwell Electronics CO., Limited
: No. 666 Qingfeng Road,
Jiangbei District, Ningbo, Zhejiang
Province, China, 315034
Website : www.china-siter.com
GS546 19
GS546 DoP 001
1116 Fire Safety
EN 14604:2005 + AC:2008
Nominal ac va on condi ons/ Sensi vity, Response delay (response me) and
Performance under fire condi on - Opera onal reliability - Tolerance to supply voltage
- Durability of opera onal reliability and response delay, temperature resistance,
vibra on resistance, humidity resistance, corrosion resistance, electrical stability
Download the Declara on of Performance at www.china-siter.com
Iden fica on
Overview visual & acous c signals
Opera ng mode Visual signal (flash) Acous c signal (beep) Descrip on mode
Normal 1 x per 40 second None Device is func oning properly
Test 1 x per second (3 x) / 1 x per seconds (3 x) / Device is tested
pause of 1,5 seconds pause of 1,5 seconds
Alarm 1 x per second (3 x) / 1 x per seconds (3 x) / Device is detec ng smoke
pause of 1,5 seconds pause of 1,5 seconds
Alarm silence 1 x per 8 seconds None Smoke alarm signal is muted
Low ba ery warning 1 x per 40 seconds 1 x per 40 seconds Ba ery is running low
Low ba ery warning silence None None Low ba ery warning is muted
Sensor fault warning 1 x per 40 seconds 1 x per 40 seconds Sensor is not func oning properly
Buzzer fault warning 2 x per 40 seconds None Buzzer is not func oning properly