background image




General safety rules:



Minors  under  the  age  of  18  may  only  work  with  the  tool  under  the  supervision  of  their  legal 



Please,  wear  protective  equipment  such  as  work  clothes,  a  helmet,  hearing  protection,  goggles, 
gloves and shoes when working with the tool.



Do not wear loose clothing, jewelry, shorts, sandals or flip flops. Make sure that long hair does not 
come into contact with the blade.



Never start the engine in a closed room. Exhaust gases contain hazardous substances.



Do not work with the tool if the ground is slippery or if you cannot keep your balance.



Do not work with the tool at night or in heavy fog or in any environment with reduced visibility.



Do not operate the tool during thunderstorms, lightning, strong winds or any extreme weather.



Never use the tool if you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, medication or extreme fatigue.



When  planning  work,  take  into  account breaks.  Plan  your  working  time  for  30-40  minutes  at  a 
time, after which you will take a 10-20 minute break. Also try to limit the maximum working time 
to a total of 2 hours.



Failure  to  follow  work  breaks  may  result  in  repetitive  strain  injury  (RSI).  If  you  feel  unwell, 
immediately seek medical attention immediately.



Before starting the engine:




There must be no other people within fifteen meters of where you are going to work.




Check that the work area is in a good condition and free of foreign objects such as stones, glass or 




Inspect  the  entire  machine  for  good  and  working  condition.  Make  sure  all  connections  are 




Always use a shoulder strap.



Starting the engine:




Keep all other people and animals at least fifteen meters away.




This tool is equipped with a centrifugal clutch so that the blades start rotating as soon as the engine 
is started and the throttle is set in the appropriate position. When starting the engine, place the tool 
on flat and clean ground and hold it firmly. Make sure that the throttle or blade does not come into 
contact with a foreign object. Never place the throttle in the high speed position when starting the 




After  starting  the  engine,  make  sure that  the blades  stop  completely  when  the  throttle  trigger  is 
turned off.



Using the product:




Cut only materials recommended by the manufacturer.




Grasp  the  handles  with  both  hands.  Slightly  spread  your  legs  so  that  your  weight  is  evenly 
distributed on both legs and make sure you have a stable stance.




Keep the cutting part below the level of the cutting material.




Keep the engine speed at the recommended value for given type of work. Do not increase the speed 




If the machine starts to shake or vibrate, turn it off. Do not use the machine before undergoing the 
necessary repair.




Keep all parts of your body away from moving parts and hot surfaces. 




Never touch the muffler, spark plug or other metal components of the engine while it is running or 
immediately after turning it off. Failure to do so may result in injury or electric shock.




Summary of Contents for SX6001

Page 1: ...SX6001 Motorov kosa CZ 1 18 Motorov kosa SK 19 36 Brush cutter EN 37 53 N vod k pou it Navod na pou itie Instructions for use...

Page 2: ...astat Je tedy nutn maxim ln dodr ovat ve ker bezpe nostn p edpisy abyste p ede li p padn mu nebezpe razu Technick data Kapacita 49 7 cm3 Model motoru 1E44F 5 Kapacita n dr e 1000 ml Sm r ot en no lev...

Page 3: ...bez ciz ch objekt jako jsou kameny sklo nebo plechovky 3 Prov te cel stroj zda je v dobr m a funk n m stavu Ujist te se e jsou v echny spoje dota en 4 V dy pou vejte popruh na rameno Nastartov n moto...

Page 4: ...n hodnota nep ekro 2 5 m s2 Z t z vibrac o hodnot 2 5 m s2 je rovn tomu e budete vystaveni trval rovni vibrac o hodnot 2 5 m s2 za v ce ne 8 hodin 3 5 m s2 za v ce ne 4 hodiny 5 m s2 za v ce ne 2 hodi...

Page 5: ...v dy vypn te motor a odpojte veden zapalovac sv ky 3 Pokud nen dan postup v m ny nebo opravy pops n v tomto manu lu nesm b t prov d n 4 N ad nikdy nerozeb rejte na sou stky Pokud to ud l te m e to v...

Page 6: ...ansportu unikat Mont 1 Seka ka 5 Upevn n krytu 6 Kryt 9 Strunov hlava 11 N 12 Podlo ka s matic 14 N str n kl 15 Imbusov kl 16 Manu l Mont rukojeti 1 Povolte ty i rouby na horn m krytu a vlo te rukoje...

Page 7: ...nt strunov hlavy 1 Pomoc vlo en dodan ty ky do horn ho dr ku na p evodovce uzamkn te p evodovou h del a odstra te matici 2 Sejm te kryt p ipevn te strunovou hlavu na p evodovou h del a pevn je upevn t...

Page 8: en Struna bude p eru ena pomoc no e kter je instalov n v krytu M jte na pam ti e je tento n velmi ostr proto e pokud by nebyl tak by nep eru en struna mohla po kodit kryt Pamatujte e d lka struny v...

Page 9: ...acity 3 Za roubujte v ko n dr e a ot ete v jej m okol p padn rozlit palivo Palivo dopl ujte v dy na m st s rovn m povrchem Po dopln n ne nastartujete motor se vzdalte minim ln t i metry od tohoto m st...

Page 10: ...9 4 P ku syti e oto te do zav en pozice 1 P ka syti e 2 Uzav eno 3 Otev eno...

Page 11: za ne rotovat ihned po zapnut motoru ani by byl podr en plyn 7 P ku syti e oto te sm rem dol m se otev e syti a motor znovu nastartujte 8 Ne za nete s prac nechte motor zah t po dobu n kolika minut...

Page 12: ...lynov ho ped lu oto te nastavovac roub proti sm ru hodinov ch ru i ek Pozn mka P ed nastaven m volnob n ch ot ek nechte motor zah t 1 Nastavovac roub volnob n ch ot ek k ov roub Rozsah pou it k ovino...

Page 13: ...i zachycen ciz p edm t vyjm te jej Regulov n odskoku no e Odskok no e m e zp sobit v n zran n Tuto sekci si tedy pe liv prostudujte Je nezbytn abyste porozum li riziku kter let c n zp sobuje jak jej...

Page 14: ...hlavu a zp sobit proklouznut spojky kter m e v st k po kozen syst mu spojky Probl my a e en Motor nestartuje Nedostatek paliva Voda v palivov n dr i nebo palivo sm chan s vodou palivo vypus te a nalij...

Page 15: ...ztrat k ovino ez svou efektivitu V takov m p pad je nejlep kontaktovat servisn st edisko i t n P ed nastartov n m motoru Zkontrolujte zda jsou v echny rouby a matice dota en Zkontrolujte zda z n dr e...

Page 16: ...u 15 estihrann roub 16 estihrann roub 17 Podlo ka 18 st rukojeti horn 19 Guma rukojeti 20 Rukoje 21 Horn podp ra 22 Podlo ka tlumi 23 Krou ek 24 Gumov podlo ka 25 st rukojeti doln 26 Podlo ka 27 estih...

Page 17: ...rychlosti 31 H del B 32 Kryt 33 Mont n svorka no e 34 Kryt 35 Ploch podlo ka 36 Vratn podlo ka 37 estihrann roub Motor slo d lu N zev d lu 1 Pru ina spojka 2 roub 3 Ploch t sn n 4 Spojka 5 estihrann...

Page 18: ...8 Olejov t sn n mal 39 Z padka 40 Start r 41 Ochrann desti ka 42 estihrann roub 43 T sn n s n 44 Sac potrub 45 estihrann roub 46 T sn n karbur tor 47 Karbur tor 48 Vzduchov filtr B 49 roub 50 Olejov p...

Page 19: ...vyrobeno ve shod s n sleduj c mi normami EN ISO 11806 1 2011 EN ISO 14982 2009 EN ISO 3744 2010 EN ISO 10884 1995 a harmoniza n mi p edpisy 2006 42 EC 95 16 EC 2004 108 WE 2005 88 EC 2000 14 EC a je v...

Page 20: ...teda nutn maxim lne dodr iava v etky bezpe nostn predpisy aby ste predch dzali pr padn mu nebezpe enstvu razu Technick daje Kapacita 49 7 cm3 Model motora 1E44F 5 Kapacita n dr e 1000 ml Smer ot ania...

Page 21: ...rom stave a bez cudz ch objektov ako s kamene sklo alebo plechovky 3 Skontrolujte cel stroj i je v dobrom a funk nom stave Ubezpe te sa e s v etky spoje dotiahnut 4 V dy pou vajte popruh na rameno Na...

Page 22: ...a a denn pracovn hodnota neprekro 2 5 m s2 Z a z vibr ci o hodnote 2 5 m s2 je rovn tomu e budete vystaven trvalej rovni vibr ci o hodnote 2 5 m s2 za viac ne 8 hod n 3 5 m s2 za viac ne 4 hodiny 5 m...

Page 23: ...dy vypnite motor a odpojte vedenie zapa ovacej svie ky 3 Pokia nie je dan postup v meny alebo opravy pop san v tomto manu li nesmie by uskuto nen 4 N radie nikdy nerozoberajte na s iastky Pokia to ur...

Page 24: ...urob te m e palivo z n dr e po as transportu unika Mont 1 Seka ka 5 Upevnenie krytu 6 Kryt 9 Strunov hlava 11 N 12 Podlo ka s maticou 14 N str n k 15 Imbusov k 16 Manu l Mont rukov te 1 Povo te tyri s...

Page 25: ...5 Pomocou matice utiahnite n a kryt 4 Mont strunovej hlavy 1 Pomocou vlo enia dodanej ty ky do horn ho dr iaku na prevodovke uzamknite prevodov hriade a odstr te maticu 2 Zlo te kryt pripevnite strun...

Page 26: ...mohlo by d js k zablokovaniu motora z d vodu jeho pre a enia Struna bude preru en pomocou no a ktor je in talovan v kryte Majte na pam ti e je tento n ve mi ostr preto e pokia by nebol tak by nepreru...

Page 27: 2 Napl te n dr na palivo do 80 kapacity 3 Zatvorte n dr vie kom a otrite v jej okol pr padne rozliate palivo Palivo dopl ujte v dy na mieste s rovn m povrchom Po doplnen ne na tartujete motor sa vz...

Page 28: ...27 4 P ku syti a oto te do zatvorenej poz cie 1 P ka syti a 2 Uzatvoren 3 Otvoren...

Page 29: ...l podr an plyn 7 P ku syti a oto te smerom dolu m sa otvor syti a motor znova na tartujte 8 Ne za nete s pr cou nechajte motor zahria po dobu nieko k ch min t Pozn mka Pri re tartovan motora ihne po j...

Page 30: ...itie oce ov ho no a 1 Skontrolujte e skrutka no a je pevne utiahnut a uistite sa e nie ej po koden 2 Uistite sa e n a dr iak je upevnen pod a manu lu a e sa n bez nadmern ho hluku vo ne ot a Rotuj ce...

Page 31: ...mimo predmet ktor n zasiahol U vate m e strati kontrolu nad krovinorezom a n tak m e sp sobi v ne zranenie jemu alebo in m osob m v jeho bl zkosti Ako zn i riziko odsko enia no a Rozpoznan m odsko en...

Page 32: ...oj medzi elektr dami Motor str ca v kon alebo sa n hle zastav Skontrolujte i je v n dr i palivo Palivo nete ie do karbur tora Vyme te palivov filter v n dr i a vy istite ho Voda v palive Vypr zdnite a...

Page 33: ...tredisko istenie Pred na tartovan m motora Skontrolujte i s v etky skrutky a matice dotiahnut Skontrolujte i z n dr e neunik palivo Pravideln kontroly by sa mali prev dza po 20 hodin ch pr ce Vy istit...

Page 34: 15 es hrann skrutka 16 es hrann skrutka 17 Podlo ka 18 as rukov te horn 19 Guma rukov te 20 Rukov 21 Horn podpera 22 Podlo ka tlmi 23 Kr ok 24 Gumov podlo ka 25 as rukov te doln 26 Podlo ka 27 es h...

Page 35: ...1 Hriade B 32 Kryt 33 Mont na svorka no a 34 Kryt 35 Ploch podlo ka 36 Vratn podlo ka 37 es hrann skrutka Motor slo dielu N zov dielu 1 Pru ina spojka 2 Skrutka 3 Ploch tesnenie 4 Spojka 5 es hrann sk...

Page 36: ...tesnenie mal 39 Z padka 40 tart r 41 Ochrann do ti ka 42 es hrann skrutka 43 Tesnenie nas vania 44 Sacie potrubie 45 es hrann skrutka 46 Tesnenie karbur tor 47 Karbur tor 48 Vzduchov filter B 49 Skru...

Page 37: ...vrhnut a vyroben v zhode s nasleduj cimi normami EN ISO 11806 1 2011 EN ISO 14982 2009 EN ISO 3744 2010 EN ISO 10884 1995 a harmoniza n mi predpismi 2006 42 EC 95 16 EC 2004 108 WE 2005 88 EC 2000 14...

Page 38: ...en working with the tool It is therefore necessary to follow all safety regulations as accurately as possible to avoid the possible risk of injury Technical data Capacity 49 7 cm3 Engine model 1E44F 5...

Page 39: ...of foreign objects such as stones glass or cans 3 Inspect the entire machine for good and working condition Make sure all connections are tightened 4 Always use a shoulder strap Starting the engine 1...

Page 40: ...s2 over 8 hours 3 5 m s2 over 4 hours 5 m s2 over 2 hours 7 m s2 over 1 hours 10 m s2 over 0 5 hours The daily vibration exposure must not exceed 5 m s2 This limit is absolute and most not be exceeded...

Page 41: ...uld never take the machine apart Doing so might result in damaging the product and faulty operation Handling fuel 1 The engine is designed to run on a mixed fuel which contains highly flammable gasoli...

Page 42: ...e holes of the inner holder and the gear shaft 2 Remove the nut and the other holder 3 from the gear shaft 3 Put the blade onto the inner holder 2 with the marked side facing the holder 4 Put the oute...

Page 43: ...out by 25 35 mm You must touch a solid surface Do not touch the ground where there is tall grass as this could cause the engine to stall due to overloading The string will be cut using a blade that is...

Page 44: ...ny spilled fuel around it Always refuel on a flat surface After refueling move at least three meters away from this location before starting the engine Before refueling switch off the engine and make...

Page 45: ...choke lever to the closed position 1 Choke lever 2 Closed 3 Opened 5 Set the switch to the RUN position Place the brush cutter on a flat and firm surface Keep the cutting head out of the reach of for...

Page 46: the choke and restart the engine 8 Allow the engine to warm up for a few minutes before starting work Note When restarting the engine immediately after stopping it leave the choke open Over choki...

Page 47: ...d make sure it is not damaged 2 Make sure that the blade and holder are fastened according to the manual and that the blade rotates freely without excessive noise Rotating parts that are not attached...

Page 48: ...ving immediately or bounce off the object that struck the blade The user may lose control of the brush cutter and the blade may cause serious injury to him or others How to reduce risk of blade bounce...

Page 49: ...d spark plug Improper charge between electrodes 2 Engine is losing power or stops suddenly Check if there is a fuel in the fuel tank Fuel mixture does not flow into the carburetor Replace the fuel fil...

Page 50: Before starting the engine Check if all the bolts and nuts are well tightened up Check if there is any leakage from the fuel tank Regular maintenance check should be performed always after 20 hour...

Page 51: ...ver 15 HEX screw 16 HEX screw 17 Washer 18 Part of the handle upper 19 Rubber handle 20 Handle 21 Upper support 22 Washer absorber 23 Ring 24 Rubber washer 25 Part of the handle lower 26 Washer 27 HEX...

Page 52: ...mission 31 Shaft B 32 Shield 33 Mounting blade clamp 34 Shield 35 Flat washer 36 Spring washer 37 HEX screw Engine Part No Part name 1 Spring clutch assy 2 Screw 3 Flat gasket 4 Clutch assy 5 HEX scre...

Page 53: ...ft 37 Gasket case 38 Oil gasket small 39 Pawl 40 Starter assy 41 Protective plate 42 HEX screw 43 Inlet gasket 44 Inlet pipe 45 HEX screw 46 Gasket 47 Carburetor 48 Air filter B 49 Screw 50 Oil pipe 5...

Page 54: ...cordance with the following standards EN ISO 11806 1 2011 EN ISO 14982 2009 EN ISO 3744 2010 EN ISO 10884 1995 and harmonization regulations 2006 42 EC 95 16 EC 2004 108 WE 2005 88 EC 2000 14 EC compl...
