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For our devices we provide a warranty as defined below:
1. In accordance with the following conditions (numbers 2-5) we repair de-
fect or damage to the device free of charge, if the cause is a manufactu-
ring defect. Therefore, these defects / damages need to be reported to
us without delay after appearance and within the warranty period of 24
months after delivery to the end user. The warranty does not cover parts,
which easily break (e. g. glass or plastic). The warranty does not cover
slight deviations of the product, which are insignificant for usability and
value of the device and damage caused by chemical or electrochemical
effects and damages caused by penetration of water or generally force
majeure damage.
2. The warranty achievement is the replacement or repair of defective
parts, depending on our decision. The cost of material and labor will be
borne by us. Repairs at customer site cannot be demanded. The proof
of purchase along with the date of purchase and / or delivery is required.
Replaced parts become our property.
3. The warranty is void if repairs or adjustments are made, which are not
authorized by us or if our devices are equipped with additional parts or
accessories that are not adapted to our devices. Furthermore, the war-
ranty is void if the device is damaged or destroyed by force majeure
or due to environmental influences and in case of improper handling /
maintenance (e.g. due to non-observance of the instruction manual) or
mechanical damages. The customer service may authorize you to repla-
ce or repair defective parts after telephone consultation. In this case, the
warranty is not void.
4. Warranty services do not extend the warranty period nor do they initiate
a new warranty period.
5. Further demands, especially claims for damages which occurred outside
the device, are excluded as long as a liability is not obligatory legal.
6. Our warranty terms - which cover the requirements and scope of our
warranty conditions - do not affect the contractual warranty obligations
of the seller.
7. Parts of wear and tear are not included in the warranty.
8. The warranty is void if not used properly or if used in gyms, rehabilitation
centers and hotels. Even if most of our units are suitable for a professio-
nal use, this requires a separate agreement.