The producer hereby guarantees proper performance, qualities of design,
workmanship and materials for a period of
(twenty-four) 24 months
from its
original date of purchase.
The customer may claim any defect or inconsistency at the seller. The justification
of the claim will be judged by the seller’s and the producer’s representatives in
compliance with the applicable regulations.
The guarantee will be granted only on the condition the towing equipment is used
for its original purpose of design.
The buyer must check the equipment during takeover. In cases of any damage,
missing parts, etc., the buyer is obliged to report that fact to the seller without any
unnecessary delay fom taking over the product.
All parts of the towing equipment and accessories of the equipment must be
checked before installation in ragard to their compatibility with the individual type
of the car. The towing equipment can be mounted only on the type of a car which is
specified by the producer of the towing equipment. In case of an unprofessional
installation or mounting a type of towing equipment not specified by the producer,
the producer of the towing equipment is not responsible for any damage to the
equipment related to the wrong installation or use.
The seller is responsible for the damage to the equpment during its taking over by
the customer.
This guarantee does not cover
any damage resulting from lack of maintenance,
overloading, improper use and natural disasters.
The guarantee also expires
after road accidents (apart from those induced by the
towing equipment itself), in case of unauthorized adjustments of the gadget or
alternations made not in the authorized service stations of the producer.
Compliance declaration
The producer of the towing equipment certifies hereby that it is produced
according to the approved documentation and complies with homologation