DOL 635 • DOL 639
User Manual
2 Product description
DOL 63X is a series of one- and two-house controllers developed especially for pig houses. The controller se-
ries includes several variants. Each of them meets the different requirements for climate and production control
in connection with the production forms and geographical climatic conditions.
• DOL 634 climate controller
• DOL 635 production controller
DOL 634 is available in the following software variants:
• T (Tunnel)
• CT (Combi-Tunnel)
• Basic
• CE (Central exhaust)
• N (Natural ventilation)
DOL 635 is available in the following software variants:
• S (Small)
• L (Large)
DOL 635 includes production functionality such as dry feeding, water, light and 24-hour clock, while DOL 634 in-
cludes the basic production features such as light, water and 24-hour clock.
A combination of climate and production functionality can be achieved by combining DOL 634 and DOL 635
system software. This controller is called DOL 639.
The controller is operated via a large touch display with graphical views of the ventilation status, icons and
curves, among other things. The pages shown in the display may be adapted in accordance with the user re-
quirements so that the most frequently used working procedures are easily accessible.
DOL 63X has two LAN ports for connection to FarmOnline and two USB ports.