4.1 Initial Set Up
The logger has been set up at Skye with as much information as possible for immediate
operation. Where supplied with Skye sensors the appropriate scaling factors, zero offsets,
gains etc have already been entered, as shown on the Hardware Configuration Certificate at
the front of this manual. In many cases the user simply needs to set the sampling and storing
periods desired and start logging.
4.1.1 Firmware Overview
Firmware means the programme that is running within the D itself, not on the PC.
This programme is stored in a ‘ROM’ (Non-volatile Read Only Memory) chip.
The D, as previously mentioned, is designed to save power when
possible, and thus will ‘sleep’ for long periods compared to the time it spends
working. Essentially, it has two modes of operation which are referred to as
Logging Mode and Main Menu mode.
4.1.2 Logging Mode Overview
To conserve power the D shuts down circuits not currently in use whenever possible.
In Logging Mode the operation is cyclic. It is ‘woken’ after approx. 8 seconds by the internal
clock, it will collect and store data from channels according to the various settings made by
the user in Main Menu mode.
‘Listening’ is a strange term, but the D is simply monitoring its RS232 input for any
numeric character sent by a computer connected to it. As soon as the D receives
such a character (assuming it arrives within the one second listening period) the D
will leave logging mode and enter the Main Menu mode. If the character arrives too late,
then the D will simply go back to ‘sleep’ and listen again about 10 seconds later.
4.1.3 Main Menu Mode Overview
Main Menu mode is entered when a character is received as described above. This can be
achieved by using the SkyeLynx Comms software and choose Wake Up Logger.
The D transmits the Main Menu showing the various functions and setup choices it
has to offer. These are described further in section 3.2. In essence, each option will either